  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships between Juvenile Delinquent and Their Parents

指導教授 : 陳伯陶


最近日本的青少年犯罪遽增是眾所皆知的事,但是青少年犯罪持續增加的根本原因究竟是什麼?各領域的專家為此做了許多研究,其中包括許多交綜複雜的原因所造成。筆者在日本留學時,親自探訪了幾個少年院和少年監獄,在田野調查的過程中與長野縣的有明少年院的少年們訪談中,都提到「渴望得到重視」。少年院的心理教官認為這些不良少年最欠缺的就是父母親的愛。事實上,現今的父母親由於工作繁忙,與孩子相處的時間越來越少,孩子才會以這種「問題行為」的方式,引起父母親的注意。另外,在許多不良少女的案例中,共同點都是在家庭中無法得到愛,透過與不良少年交往或賣春的方式,進而向外尋求其他的慰藉。在探討青少年問題行為的原因時,親子問題的確是不容忽視的一個要素,因此本論文主要重點放在探討青少年問題行為與親子關係的羈絆。 親子間的羈絆,在受精卵著床後,經過胎芽期、胎兒期在體內就開始有密不可分的關係了。因此,在受孕,妊娠,分娩,生產,撫養這些人生初期的母子間的聯繫,形成了對於親子間的羈絆的重要因素。這種羈絆也成為構築往後人生精神狀況的基礎。不良少年的成長經歷,特別是在幼兒時期沒有一個富有愛的環境,對不良少年的人格形成帶來重大的影響。父母親因為死亡或離別,或是其他原因無法給予孩子適切的保護和親情,或者即使在父母養育下,但孩子無法充分感受到父母的愛的情況下,這對孩子們來說是在人生起跑點上的一大打擊。 不良少年被送往少年院接受矯正教育,在完成回歸社會的訓練後再度回到父母親的身邊,如果父母親對孩子們的態度和教養方式仍然維持不變的話,孩子很可能再次產生問題行為,反覆著進出少年院的生活。如同少年院的矯正教育,一開始在於和青少年建立起信賴的關係,同樣的,為了要以圓滑的方式有效果地去調整家庭的關係,和監護人建立起信賴關係,以及青少年,監護人與少年院三者的同心協力是必須的。監護人在肯定經由少年院的矯正教育改變後的青少年,而感到放心的同時,如何幫助青少年重新自立,及其對改善與家人關係的意願,並重拾信心,將是最大的課題,而作為其根基的即是親子間的羈絆。 關鍵字 :不良青少年 親子間的羈絆 家人關係 矯正教育 修復 重新修正 信賴感


Recently rapid increase of the Japanese young people crime is widely known thing. Well, what is the root where young people crimes continue increasing? Experts seem to have a hard time to describe the reason, and think that it is a problem with complicated factor connected with each other. When I stayed in Japan, through visiting several detention center, juvenile corrective institution and the jail etc to did the filed work. Particularly in the reform school such as Ariake Heights dormitory of Nagano where children say the same thing "want to be watched oneself", and a psychology technical officer asserts that it "is love of a parent that lack to these children". However, parents work so hard so lack of time taking care of children. Repulsion from not minded and concerned by parent appears by "misdeed". Many juvenile delinquents are going to find the love that was not provided in home from person concerned with gang, prostitution, is to demand a warm nest in common. When young people’s misdeed to be thought, should not to be separated problem from parent and child relationship, and the main subject focus on the bond of the parent and child relationship. A bond related to parent and the child has already been closed in the interior of the womb after the imbedding of fertilized egg through the uterine bud period, the embryo period. Therefore, relation of the mother and the child in the first stage of the life such as conception, pregnancy, childbirth and childcare becomes the important primary factor for the bond of the parent and the child, in addition, becomes the foundation of the mental bond where it is done in the life after. In other words, the circumstances which do not have the love in the growth history of the delinquent person and especially juvenile period produce serious effect on formation of personality of the delinquent person, but furthermore, the parent dies, separates, with the other reasons does not give appropriate protection and love to the child, or, the parent raises but does not love the child, the child means to suffer a serious blow in the starting point of life.


