  • 學位論文


The Research on the Activities of Japan's Non-Government Human Rights Organizations and their relations with the United Nations

指導教授 : 胡慶山


隨著全球化時代之來臨,傳統上認為國內事務歸內政相關部門管轄或處理,而國際事務則交由外交相關部門掌理,一般私人部門、非營利組織及個人皆非外交工作之主體或單元等觀念,已被多數人認為是一個不合時宜的陳舊思想。 人權非政府組織之主要功能為資訊提供、遊說、人權救援行動、人權教育等。人權議題之推動,不能單依靠人權非政府組織之力量,必須結合社會不同部門與夥伴之智慧與資源,方可擴大或加快人權議題成功之可能性。 與歐美相比,對人權問題之關注,日本與台灣雖同屬於後進國,但近年來皆有蓬勃之發展,本研究希望透過對日本人權非政府組織於聯合國活動之研究的分析與探討,深入了解聯合國與人權非政府組織對人權議題之重要性等,並提供台灣相關人權非政府組織作為參考。 本論文共分為六章。第一章:緒論,說明研究動機、目的、範圍、方法與名詞解釋;第二章:說明人權非政府組織之本質;第三章:探討國際人權運動之發展與人權非政府組織之關係;第四章:介紹日本人權非政府組織與聯合國之活動關係;第五章:研究聯合國經濟暨社會理事會與人權非政府組織互動關係形成之經緯;第六章:結論與建議。


Traditionally, domestic affairs are governed by Interior Ministry and its subordinate departments while international affairs are under the jurisdiction of Foreign Ministry. Private organizations, non-profit organizations, and individuals are not regarded as proper parties to engage in official works of diplomatic missions. With the coming trend of globalization, this concept is now thought inappropriate and outdated. The main functions of non-government human rights organizations include provision of relevant information, lobbying activities, human rights protection, human rights education, etc. The promotion of human rights issues requires the support and participation from various sectors of the society in addition of the efforts of non-governmental human rights organizations so as to enhance the influence and to speed up the progress. In the past, the human rights issues in Japan and Taiwan did not receive as much attention as in Europe and the United States. The situations, however, have changed a lot in recent years and there have been significant developments in both countries. Through the study on Japan’s non-governmental human rights organizations’ participation in the United Nations’ human rights activities, we aim not only to highlight the crucial roles played by the UN and NGOs in the advocacy and protection of human rights, but also to provide an example for the reference of their counterparts in Taiwan. This thesis contains six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the motivation, purpose, methods of study of this thesis and the glossary. Chapter 2 discloses fundamental elements of non-government human rights organization. Chapter 3 narrates the development of international human rights movements. Chapter 4 describes the relations between the works of Japan’s non-governmental human rights organizations and those of United Nations. Chapter 5 depicts ECOSOC’s (The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations) interaction with non-governmental human rights organizations. Chapter 6 provides a summary and suggestions.


1. 李明峻、武田美紀子(2004)<聯合國與國際人權保障-以世界規模增進全體人類之人權及基本自由之尊重>,《台灣國際法季刊》,第一卷第一期,頁101-127。
8. 許慶雄(1996)<人權保障之基本概念—本質、分類、享有主體之探討>,《律師雜誌》,第二○二期,頁12-26。
