  • 學位論文


The rural writing of Ordinary World, White Deer Plain,Shaanxi opera

指導教授 : 呂正惠


《平凡的世界》、《白鹿原》、《秦腔》三本小說有幾個共同點:其一,作者路遙、陳忠實、賈平凹都是陝西人;其二,都曾得到茅盾文學獎的肯定。除此之外,文本中所建構的世界,都是以農村為基底,搭配著現實、歷史的素材,撰寫出特有的農村生活。 在《平凡的世界》裡,路遙以改革開放的七○年代末為撰寫起點,以雙水村的孫家兄弟為核心,敘述出改革開放前的農村,用最真實的生活來帶出改革的原因。而改革後,當生產力較為解放後,農民所遭遇的困境為何,又是該如何繼續往前。陳忠實則在《白鹿原》中,以白鹿村的白嘉軒作為中心人物,一路從清朝末年乃至「反正」、國民革命、抗日到國共內戰等,在約莫半世紀的歷史下,農民何以安身立命,又何以來面對這變化多端的時局。《秦腔》內的夏家是主軸,賈平凹輔以世紀之交、清風街為其時空背景,描繪農村在現代化之後,散發的是多麼衰頹的味道。 多數的研究討論都將這三本小說置於「鄉土」、「地域文化」的視野來探討,回歸鄉土敘述或者是地域陝西文學的脈絡下。本文認為,要能理解作者的原意,應關注創作者自身的身分、立場與其相對應所關懷的核心,即是以「農村」作為角度來探討文本。藉「農村書寫」的切入來評析,更能呈現出《平凡的世界》、《白鹿原》、《秦腔》三部作品具有的時代意義。


Three novels, Ordinary World, White Deer Plain, Shaanxi opera have several things in common. First, the author Lu Yao and Chen Zhongshi, Jia Pingwa come from Shaanxi. Second, they all won Mao Dun Literature Award. Last, the text in the construction of the world, are based in rural areas as the base, with the realistic and historical material, writing a unique rural life. In Ordinary World , the seven years are the opening and Sun Shaoan and Sun Sun Shaoping are the center of writing.Lu Yao's described the rural before the reform and the reasons of rural reform by real life.And after the reform, when productivity is more liberation, what difficulties encountered by farmers, but also how to continue to move forward. In White Deer Plain . Bai Jiaxuan in the White Deer village is the main character. Chen Zhongshi narrated the history from the Qing Dynasty , national revolution, the civil war against Japan, and the fight between the Kuomintang and Communist party and so on. In about half a century of history, why farmers to settle down, and they have been changing the face of the current situation. In Shaanxi opera, The twentieth century and Tsing Fung Street are the space and time background. Jia Pingwa depicting the rural on the decline after modernization. Most of the studies discussed in these three novels are placed in "region" "local culture" to explore, return under local or regional Shaanxi literary narrative context. This dissertation argues that, to be able to understand the author's intent should be concerned about the identity of the creator's own stand and its corresponding core of the care that is "rural" as the point of the view to explore text. By way of "rural writing", we can understand better the epochal meaning of Ordinary World, White Deer Plain, Shaanxi opera.


