  • 學位論文


The Different Determinants of Reinsurance Usage Across Property-Liability Insurers in China and Taiwan

指導教授 : 田峻吉


再保險為移轉保險風險與調節資本風險的工具,對於產險業經營非常重要。過去文獻探討影響再保險因素的時候,多局限在單一保險市場,很少對於兩個以上的保險市場做分析。本研究主要目的為比較兩岸產險公司使用再保險行為,樣本期間為 2008年至 2012 年,利用最小平方回歸模型分別探討再保險比例和資產規模、現金比率、財務槓桿、資產報酬率、成本比率、公司成立時間、公司國籍與是否為金控成員等八個自變數之間的關係。實證結果發現,對兩岸產險公司再保險比例皆有顯著影響的變數為現金比率、財務槓桿、資產報酬率及是否為金控成員等四個變數。對兩岸產險公司再保險使用不同的影響因素為非財務因素,影響台灣產險公司再保險使用為資產規模及公司成立時間;而中國產險公司成本比率及公司國籍對再保險比例有影響。造成兩岸再保險使用差異的原因,可能來自兩岸不同的保險經營環境與法律規範。


Most previous studies investigated the determinants of reinsurance for property-liability insurers only in one country, rather than compared the distinct determinants of reinsurance usage across insurers in two different countries. The main purpose of this paper was to investigate the different determinants of reinsurance across property-liability insurers in two developing countries. We use empirical data of two important developing insurance markets, Taiwan and China, to address this question. To consistent with previous findings, our empirical results support that some financial ratios including cash, leverage, ROA and group membership have same impact on reinsurance usage for property-liability insurers in Taiwan and China. However, some non-financial factors such as size and age influence the determinants of reinsurance usage property-liability insurers in Taiwan, but not in China. Some factors such as cost and belonging to local insurers influence the determinants of reinsurance usage property-liability insurers in China, but not in Taiwan. To compare behavior of purchasing reinsurance in two countries, we find that property-liability insurers in Taiwan tend to purchase more reinsurance than China. The reasons could be attributed to the different insurance market environment and regulation between Taiwan and China. To sum up, the variables relating financial ratios have same impact on reinsurance for property-liability insurers in Taiwan and China. However, we observed that non-financial factors have different impact on reinsurance usage for property-liability insurers in these two countries.


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