  • 學位論文


Research of Development and Reformation in 50 Years of Cuban Revolution

指導教授 : 熊建成


1959年1月1日古巴革命成功後,菲德爾( Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, 1926-)執政下的古巴長期施行社會主義,2006年菲德爾因健康問題,於同年7月31日通過暫時權力移交給其胞弟拉烏爾( Raúl Modesto Castro Ruz, 1931-),菲德爾漸漸退居幕後,拉烏爾並在2008年2月24日在人民政權代表大會上,當選國務委員會主席和部長會議主席,正式成為古巴國家領導人。 本論文以「傳統馬克思思想」理論,檢視古巴共產主義發展的軌跡。以歷史發展的觀點來看社會主義,在到達完全的共產主義以前,任何形式都不是最終的。社會主義的理想是無產階級及其對政黨堅定不移的追求,但馬克思從來沒有給社會主義規定一個最終的定義和限制。他們斷言社會主義將是一個經常變化和改革的社會。因此,列寧始終以歷史發展的觀點來認識社會主義。用這一觀點考察社會主義,我們可以說:社會主義的理想和目標是確定的,但其具體形態及通向它的途徑是不確定的。因此,各個國家都應該根據本國國情走自己的路,並以「共產主義社會」型態為最終目標。 本論文中亦分析古巴政權轉移的背景以及未來發展。拉烏爾的接手正式開啟「後菲德爾時期」的序幕,古巴在拉烏爾政權下,堅持走古巴社會主義道路是無庸置疑的,但他將以緩慢的速度進行改革,而且是在社會主義的框架下。更要澄清的一點是,「堅持社會主義並不等於不改革」,古巴共產黨強調,改革要從具體國情出發,需要穩健且謹慎,不宜照抄別國的經驗和做法。


Cuba was ruled under Socialism by Fidel Castro Administration since the Cuban Revolution succeeded on January 1st, 1959. Due to the health condition, Fidel Castro temporarily shifted power to his brother, Raúl Castro, started on July 31th, 2006. Thereafter Fidel gradually lowers his influence on national issues of Cuba, meanwhile his brother, Raúl, was elected as Chair of State Committee and Council of Ministers, and formally became the leader of Cuba. This thesis is based on Classical Marxism to review the development path of Cuban Communism. According to the view point of Historical Development, communism is the final form of social development. The ideal of Socialism is proletariat and the constantly follow the party; however, Marx never defined the final definition and limitation of Socialism. Supporters of Socialism declared that Socialism means a frequent changed and reformed society. Moreover, Lenin had been always taking the idea of Historical Development to interpret Socialism. Base on this point of view, we considered Socialism has clear ideal and object, but lack of specific formation and phases to archive it final goal. Thus, each State shall perform social reform based on its own condition and take “Communist Society” as final goal. This thesis also analyzed the power transferring background of Cuba and its future development. When Raúl was given the commanding power in Cuba, the Post-Castro period was also initiated. However, there is no doubt that Cuba will keep on its Socialism path under Raúl’s regime for a slowly reform under Socialism was promised. Moreover, Cuba Communism had clarified that “Insisting Socialism Path is not equal to not welling to change” and they believe that reforming has to be operated steady with caution, and must base on specific condition of each nation; it is not suitable to just copy the experiences and the manners of other nations.


Cuba Cuba Revolution Fidel Ra&uacute l Marxism socialism communism revolution power transferring


Chris Carlson, "Fidel and his buddy Hugo, Exporting Revolution",February 24, 2007,
Brian Latell, ‘’Raul Castro: Confronting Fidel’s Legacy in Cuba’’ , The Washington Quarterly, 2007)
Roger F. Noriega, “Oh, Brother! Another Castro Clings to
Power in Cuba”, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, No. 2,2008
