  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationships between the Dimensionalities of Customer-Based Brand Image-A Case of Taiwan Mobil Phone Market

指導教授 : 黃志文 林光賢


品牌形象,為消費者心中對於某特定品牌的所有知覺。一個強勢的品牌形象不僅能立即、正面且正確地由消費者記憶之中所喚醒,而且幾乎在所有競爭品牌之中是具有獨特性的。以顧客為基礎的品牌形象之建立與發展,不僅可與競爭品牌形成差異化,更是企業進行品牌管理以及行銷成功的致勝關鍵,因而在今日的行銷市場中日益重要。本研究主要係根據較廣為後續研究者所接受的論點,即美國著名的品牌學者凱勒Keller(1993, 1998, 2003)所提出與修正的品牌形象模型為本研究之研究重心,進行品牌形象構面間之關係探討,主要在於探究消費者對於「產品相關屬性」、「生活型態」、「感覺和經驗」與「品牌個性」等構面聯想因素上是否具有顯著之相關性存在。 本研究以國內的行動電話品牌為研究範圍,針對台北市13歲以上未滿50歲之社會大眾進行抽樣調查,以了解此年齡層之消費大眾心中的行動電話品牌形象。問卷共發出650份,回收633份,回收率為97.4%,經扣除無效問卷137份,實際有效樣本數為496份。採取描述性統計分析、信度檢定、因素分析、相關分析、典型相關分析、迴歸分析、t檢定以及單因子變異數等資料分析方法來驗證假設。研究結果發現: 一、除了消費大眾對於典型品牌使用者的「生活型態」意象和消費者本身的「感覺和經驗」之間不具有顯著之相關性,品牌形象其餘構面之間皆具有顯著之相關性。 二、除了消費大眾的「性別」在典型品牌使用者的「生活型態」意象上、以及消費大眾的「年齡」在「品牌個性」認知上具有顯著之差異性外,其餘的人口統計變項在品牌形象各構面上並不具有顯著之差異性。 三、消費大眾對於國內前三大行動電話品牌的品牌聯想喜好度、獨特性上是具有顯著之差異性,但在品牌聯想的資訊接受量上則無顯著之差異性存在。 四、國內前三大手機品牌在消費者的產品相關屬性聯想以及品牌個性認知上是具有顯著之差異性。


Brand image is all about customers’ perceptions of a particular brand. Through a strong brand image, company could promptly evoke customers’ brand perceptions and associations. It also shows the uniqueness of the brand among other competitors, which a strong brand name is a key to successful tasks of brand management and marketing. This study is based on Keller’s (1993, 1998, 2003) Customer-based brand image model. That is to examine the consumers’ view and the interrelationship over product-related brand attributes, Active Interesting Opinion (AIO), feelings and experiences, and brand personality. This research investigates the brand image of different mobile phone brands in Taiwan, which a survey is conducted. In order to study consumers’ view of different brands, the people who live in the city of Taipei, age between 13 and 49, are sampled. A total of 650 questionnaires are issued. 633 of the questionnaires are returned, which the rate of return reaches 97.4%. Excluding 137 invalid copies, 496 copies of questionnaires are used for further study. The methods used for further examination are descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability test, correlation analysis, canonical correlation analysis, stepwise regression, t-test and ANOVA test. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1.In addition to the relationship between users’ life style and their feelings and experiences, there are significant correlations between other elements of brand image. 2.Consumers’ gender and age play a significant role in terms of AIO and brand personality, which the results show huge differences. 3.There are significant differences between the favorability and the uniqueness of brand associations of customers toward Taiwan’s top three mobile phone brands, and no difference has been found between the information received of brand association of customers toward Taiwan’s top three mobile phone brands. 4.There are differences between Taiwan’s top three mobile phone brands in product-related attribute and brand personality.




