  • 學位論文


The Research on Culture Identification of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan:A Case of New Immigrant Learning Center in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 黃一峰


自1987年以來的近二十年間,台灣地區人口結構,已因跨國婚姻的興起,產生莫大的改變,依內政部戶政司的統計資料,台閩地區外籍配偶人數已高達385,358人,又以中國籍配偶佔64.88%,越南籍人士佔19.7%為大宗,外籍配偶長年居住台灣後,生活適應是急需面對的課題,但對台灣文化是否瞭解與適應,希望經由本研究結果,來協助政府擬定各項外籍配偶的文化認同政策。 本論文以桃園縣新移民學習中心為研究對象,在對象的擇取上,因全國各縣(市)外籍配偶國籍別人口比例不一,桃園縣外籍配偶之人數,依內政部戶政司資料,約有四萬人,該縣之外籍配偶國籍別比例上,亦與全國外籍配偶之國籍別比例無太多差異,應可具有較高的代表性。於研究方法中,採行設計問卷的量化研究手法進行研究(Chava Frankfort-Nachmias,Nachmias,1998),並與外籍配偶及其相關人士以焦點訪談與深度訪談方式,來瞭解外籍配偶文化認同之現狀,以求詳實記錄外籍配偶在接觸與認識我國文化所會面對的困難與助力,最終希望能夠觀察、歸納出外籍配偶對台灣地區文化的體認與瞭解現況,與是否產生文化認同之情形。 筆者在探究外籍配偶文化認同此一課題時,受限於國內鮮少文獻係針對以外籍配偶文化為主題所進行的大規模研究,故希望經由深度訪談方式,取得較有意義且值得分析的資訊,以避免外籍配偶因語言理解能力之差異,而影響本研究之進行。 於資料分析過後,筆者發現外籍配偶多有因居住台灣期間越長,而更加瞭解台灣生活,如去廟宇參拜的次數增加、多次前往台灣的風景名勝,也有受訪者因為廣交台灣朋友,而使其增進對台灣文化認同之強度。 筆者於研究中亦發現,在政府推動各項外籍配偶之政策上,至今仍多以開設語言課程、生活適應課程為主,政府鮮少開設讓外籍配偶認識台灣之課程,就此現狀的長遠影響而言,恐將造成外籍配偶對台灣文化認同之漠視,亦恐將深遠影響國力之弱薄,故筆者認為全國各級政府應多加強外籍配偶對台灣文化之瞭解,如於課程中增設台灣建築、藝術、音樂、宗教等介紹,同時亦應灌輸外籍配偶的台籍家人觀念,鼓勵外籍配偶多參與政府舉辦之活動,以達到外籍配偶對台灣文化認同之增進。


外籍配偶 文化認同


The population structure of Taiwan has undergone a tremendous change in the past 20 years because of transnational marriage. According to the statistics provided by the Department of Household Registration Affairs of Interior Ministry, the foreign spouses have been increased up to 385,358 persons. Among the figures, China brides and grooms occupy 64.88% while Vietnamese takes 19.7%. For those married Taiwanese and lived in Taiwan for a long period, to accommodate themselves with Taiwan circumstances is the most urgent lesson that they have to face. The author would like to help the government draw up relevant policies of Taiwan Culture Recognition for those foreign spouses through the finding of this thesis. This thesis has chosen the New Immigrant Learning Center in Taoyuan County as the target group. The population proportion of foreign spouse in island-wide Taiwan differs. But according to the statistics provided by Department of Household Registration Affairs of Interior Ministry, there are about 40 thousands foreign spouses in Taoyuan County and the nationality does not vary too much when comparing to island-wide Taiwan. Therefore, the thesis is said to be a more feasible study. In this research, the author do the survey to collect the data from the foreign spouses, and interviewed target foreign spouses and relevant people in order to understand current culture recognition situation of foreign spouses, and to find out the real problems or difficulties they have faced up today when learning and accepting Taiwan culture. Of course, the final purpose is to observe and conclude the present status of Taiwan culture recognition for foreign spouse, and whether they have recognized our culture. Due to limited research on hand, the author has chosen in-depth interviews so as to collect meaningful and useful analytical information on foreign spouse culture recognition issues. By having in-depth interviews with the foreign spouses, the author can avoid any misunderstanding because of language barrier and subsequently affected the research progress. After some analysis, the author finds that the longer period those foreign spouses stay in Taiwan, the more they learned about Taiwan. For example, they visit temples, scenic spots and make good friends with Taiwanese people, etc. All of such move makes them getting used to live in Taiwan and enhance their recognition of Taiwan culture. In this research, the author also discovers that the language courses and courses that help accommodate Taiwan life are still the major foreign spouse policies formulated by the Government. However, the Taiwan government seldom opens up the course which will help the foreign spouses know about Taiwan culture. For long-term perspective, this will result in ignorance of Taiwan culture recognition and it will possibly reduce our Nation Power. Therefore, the author urges Taiwan government to reinforce the understanding of Taiwan culture for foreign spouses such as adding courses for Introduction of Taiwan Architecture, Art, Music and Religion, etc. In the meantime, we also need to educate those foreign spouses to recognize Taiwan as their Home, and encourage them to enjoy many activities held up by the Taiwan government. The author believes this will surely bring up the current culture recognition of foreign spouses to another level.


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