  • 學位論文


Applying SIPA and DANP for Measuring Service Quality Gap of Airport - The Case Study of Food & Beverage Services

指導教授 : 許超澤


由於美國911事件之影響,各國開始執行嚴格安檢,導致旅客停留機場的時間增長,間接促使旅客接受航廈服務的時間也相對增加,其中又以餐飲服務與零售服務提昇幅度較大,而桃園國際機場服務品質中又以餐飲服務最為人所詬病,故本研究以桃園國際機場餐飲服務品質進行研究。而過往研究多以消費者角度探討餐飲服務品質,僅檢視優先改善項目為何,並未考慮管理者與消費者間的認知差異,而管理者與消費者間認知上的服務品質缺口,導致餐飲服務品質的核心問題並未解決,顯示出不能單以消費者角度看待服務品質,應全面性考慮不同立場者的看法。 本研究以PZB服務品質缺口理論為基礎,發放一般問卷先以IPA模式分析,但IPA模式僅能針對單一個體,未能同時考慮其他立場者的表現來進行策略調整,因此再進一步應用SIPA模式分析,同步比較不同立場者對於機場餐飲服務品質的感受程度差異。由於,準則間可能存在因果關係,本研究應用決策實驗室分析法為基礎的ANP法,發放專家問卷找出準則間的關聯程度與權重,並加入受測者訪談資料,綜合量化數據與質化訪談的結果來檢視機場餐飲服務品質缺口,藉以實際瞭解主管單位與消費者認知差異,找出問題本質的核心。 本研究結果分為四大部分:1.一般問卷分析結果:旅客與機場工作者皆以「消費者角度」看待機場餐飲服務品質,認為應優先改善「餐飲價格合理性」項目。2.同步重要度-滿意度分析結果:不同立場者皆認為應優先改善「餐飲區空間配置」、「餐飲服務導引指標清楚性」、「餐飲價格合理性」、「提供幼兒座椅及餐具」等項目,表示機場餐飲服務出現重大服務缺口,綜合訪談結果顯示出「餐飲種類多元化」該項目是還有可改進的空間,應一併列入優先改善項目。3. DANP專家問卷分析結果:機場管理者最重視的項目為「餐飲環境舒適度」與「服務人員態度」,且餐飲主管與機場主管重視項目差異在於「服務人員態度」與「用餐環境安全感」,常用旅客重視項目為「送餐等候時間」與「等候點餐時間」,顯示主管與旅客重視項目不同且主管間重視項目也有差異。4.SIPA得出結果對應DEMETAL關聯度分析結果:最應急需改善的項目為「餐飲區空間配置」。由本研究結果可以得知,機場餐飲服務應全面性的考慮不同立場者的看法,發現旅客與管理者間認知上的確存在差異,管理者應致力減少自身與消費者的認知差異,找出問題點進行改善,對於整體服務品質應有所提升,結果提供相關主管單位檢視機場服務品質缺口。




After 911 event, many countries begin to enforce strict security check, which cause the passengers spending more time at the airport and accepting Terminal Services, mostly on food and retail shops services. Therefore, the passengers and Airport managers pay more and more attention on the quality services of food ,beverage and retails in Taoyuan International airport. While these services have received most of the criticism. So, this research focus on the quality of catering service in the Taoyuan International Airport. The majority of previous studies based on the consumers' perspective to view the quality of food and beverage service. It's only known such viewpoint only made clear on the priority of improvements, but actually exist cognizance gap between management and customer, the core issue of the quality of catering services is still not resolved. So it can't just look into the issues only on consumer's point of view, but also considering the phases related to all the different stand points. This report is based on the PZB Service Quality Gap theory. Total 350 general questionnaires were published & filled; 329 questionnaires are operative. Questionnaire are analyzed by IPA. But IPA only analyses individual view point, not taking into account of the performance of the other positions and make the necessary adjustment. Therefore further application SIPA , simultaneously compare perception differences from the various standpoints on airport food and beverage service quality. In addition, it may exist a causal relationship between the criteria. This research apply DANP to identify the degree of correlation and weight among the criteria from expert questionnaires. And then, analyze quantitative and qualitative data to view airport food and beverage service quality gap, in order to understand the variation of cognizance between the managements and consumers, which to find the core of the problem. This research has four conclusions:1.General questionnaire analysis results: As the consumers' point of view, the Passengers and airport workers both have the same points on the quality of airport food and beverage services, for instance, the " Reasonable food price " is the first priority to get improved. 2. Simultaneous Importance Performance Analysis results: the passengers and airport workers of different standpoints thought following 4 issues should be improved as top priority: A. The catering area space allocation. B. Food service guidance indicators clearly. C. Reasonable food price. D. child seating and tableware. Further analyzed interview results and found "catering diversification" should be also added to the above top 4 improvement priorities. 3.DANP expert questionnaires analysis results: "The comforts of catering environment " and" Staff service attitude "are the most important things to the airport management. And supervisors of catering and airport valued on different criteria ; catering supervisors on " Staff Service attitude " ; airport supervisors on " The safety of catering environment." Regular travelers think the criteria of" Waiting time for food delivery " and " Waiting time for meal ordering" are the most important. So we can tell the passengers and airport managements have great different views on the criteria. 4. After running two models of SIPA and DEMETAL Correlation Degree Analysis, it comes to one conclusion: The Catering Area Space Allocation. With totally considering different standpoints, it appears there have some different cognizance existing between the passengers and airport managements. The Managements should make efforts to balance and decrease the differences.


Service Quality Gap IPA SIPA DANP


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