  • 學位論文


Design and Develop an Online testing system for Situational Simulation of "Telephone Approach" for Novice Insurance Sales Representatives

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


面對壽險業的快速變遷,為使壽險顧問在這競爭激烈的環境中生存並脫穎而出,教育訓練與訓練成效的評估顯得格外的重要。目前個案公司係以實體通關測驗來診斷新進壽險顧問於六大基礎課程中的學習成效,但礙於講師人力限制,係由每位學員以抽籤決定測驗的主題,因此講師無法判定每位學員於「電話約訪」課程中是否有不精熟的部分,而無法即時進行補救;「電話約訪」正確知能若無法建立,對於後續行銷流程影響顯著,同時由於各個講師評鑑的標準不一致,容易因個人主觀因素,而影響測驗的結果。因此,為解決實體通關測驗之問題,個案公司提出製作線上測驗之需求,並以「電話約訪」課程為電腦化測驗之嘗試,故本研究依據「電話約訪」課程內容,設計與發展情境模擬式線上測驗。 本研究之文獻探討分別為「訓練評鑑」、「電話約訪」、「情境模擬」、「電腦測驗與測驗編製」及「情境模擬式線上測驗之設計模式與要項」五部分,藉由電腦化測驗編製之原則及情境模擬要素運用之文獻綜整來規劃本研究之測驗,並透過內容分析統整個案公司「電話約訪」相關之話術以設計本測驗之內容與試題。再者本研究採設計本位研究,並依循系統化教學設計模式,藉以分析、設計、發展與形成性評鑑,利用網頁及影音製作軟體為工具,發展建置符合個案公司所需求之「電話約訪」線上測驗,並藉由專家與學習者之評鑑以提供測驗之品質修正與改進。評鑑結果本研究能突破個案公司於實體通關測驗所面臨的問題,並且能導正學習者錯誤之概念,以及提供作為欲從事相關研究之參考。


Nowadays, insurance sales representatives are facing great challenges and competitions. Therefore, the training assessments and the training results have become essential in an insurance company. Currently, the C Company tests their sales representatives face to face to appraise the results of the fundamental courses. Unfortunately, due to the lack of instructors and the fact that a topic assigned to a student is randomly selected, the instructors cannot determine a student’s proficiency in a telephone approach course; consequently, a company might miss the timing to correct a student’s misconception. If the concepts of telephone approach cannot be built up, it will seriously impact the forthcoming sales process. Meanwhile, since there are no determined passing criteria for the appraisals, the results might be subjective. In order to solve this problem, the C Company raises their needs for implementing an online testing system for the telephone approach course. The goal of this research is to design and develop the online testing system for the situational simulation based on the course materials of telephone approach. The research is divided into Training Assessment, Telephone Approach, Situational Simulation, Computerized tests and Implementation of the tests, and the model and design concepts of online tests for situational simulation. The test contents and questions are designed based on the principals of computerized tests, the collection of achieves used as the foundation for situational simulation, and the content analysis and case study of telephone approach of the C Company. Furthermore, the research follows Design-Based Research and Systems Instructional Design guideline to analyze, design, develop, and evaluate formatively the online testing system with multimedia supports for telephone approach that aligns with C Company’s requirements. The contents and user interfaces of the system are corrected and improved over time based on the recommendations of the professionals and students’ test results. In conclusion, the research can resolve the problems that the C Company is facing with traditional test mechanism, correct students’ misconceptions, and provide a reference to ones who would research in this area of study.


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