  • 學位論文


Study Renting Public House and Rent Subsidy Policy for Low-income Households in Taipei City: Policy Tool Choice Approach

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


都會地區高房價問題成為2009年十大民怨之首,加上房市區域性發展不均衡及房價北熱南冷現象相當明顯,健全都會區房價即成為政府施政的當務之急,惟在政府尚無法有效解決高房價問題前,許多無力購屋者轉以租屋方式暫代自有住宅。 2005年政府施行的「整體住宅政策」中,租賃補貼部分,以政府直接興建之出租國宅及租金補貼為其施行手段;從政策工具的理論來看,其類型為政府直接提供及補助金等二類,為企圖了解這二類政策工具是否落實住宅政策之目標,而「人」的因素又為這二類政策工具評估準則的關鍵,故以政策目標的居住環境品質、生活安定性及生活品質為其中介變項,來評估政策工具在「效能」及「效率」的表現。 本研究以台北市為施測地區,對象為出租國宅戶及租金補貼戶,透過訪談及問卷方式探索分析居住環境品質、生活安定性及生活品質越好時,政策工具在「效能」及「效率」也就越成效。研究共發放501份問卷,有效回收問卷為460份,以階層迴歸驗證本研究之假設是否成立。 研究發現: (一)出租國宅:在居住品質之居住水準越高,其租賃補貼工具的選擇考量因素效能越高;在居住品質之居住環境越高,其租賃補貼工具的選擇考量因素效率越高;在生活安定性之房東的信任感越高,其租賃補貼工具的選擇考量因素效能及效率越高;在生活安定性之對標的圑體制定越高,其租賃補貼工具的選擇考量因素效率越高。 (二)租金補貼:在生活安定性之對標的圑體判定越高,其租賃補貼工具的選擇考量因素效率越高;在生活品質之生活開銷越高,其租賃補貼工具的選擇考量因素效能越高。


The problem of unaffordable housing price has been the top public grievance of the society since 2009, as well as the unbalanced of regional development leading to pricing difference between the northern and the southern. Those phenomena make it the priority of governance in Taiwanese government. However, many people who cannot affordable a pricing-high housing tend to be tenanting before the authorities solving the problem. “Integrated housing policy” in 2005 shows rental subsidies scheme including two implement aspects: 1. renting public house constructed by government directly and 2.rental subsidy. From “policy tool theory”, these aspects indicate to “Direct Government” and “Grants” separately. For attempting to understand the two types of policy tools could achieve the goal of housing policy, in the meantime adding “people” factor, which is the key valuation factor in “policy tool theory”. The thesis tries to estimate the performance the “effect” and “efficiency” of policy tool by intermediary variables which contain environmental quality, living stability and living quality. The objects of the thesis are renting public house tenants and rental subsiding households in Taipei city. The thesis conducted questionnaires by interviewing those households. The hypothesis is that the better environmental quality, living stability and living quality, the more effective and efficient policy tools are. 501 surveys have been conducted randomly with 460 of them being valid. This thesis uses hierarchical regression to prove the hypothesis of the thesis. Thesis conclusion: 1. Renting public house: the higher of the living standard of living quality, the scheme is more effective. The higher of living environment of living quality, the scheme is more efficient. The higher of landlord trustiness of living stability, the scheme is more effective and efficient. The higher of the living cost of living quality, the scheme is more effective. 2. Rent subsidy: the higher of the target group of living stability, the scheme is more efficient. The higher of the living cost of living quality, the scheme is more effective.




