  • 學位論文


A study on Zheng feng’s kunfu novel-ling jian

指導教授 : 崔成宗


《靈劍》是近年被譽為「女金庸」的鄭丰所撰的第二部長篇武俠小說,二??九年出版,為《天觀雙俠》的前傳。這部小說以明朝為故事背景年代,描述凌霄與秦燕龍如何消滅火教、拯救武林的故事。 此部長篇武俠小說繼《天觀雙俠》後,仍引起相當大的迴響,筆者遂以《靈劍》為研究文本,並細讀鄭丰的所有著作,然後以武俠文學相關之專書或單篇論文做參照,提出問題意識,逐一回應,另對鄭丰作品現況,與其作品相關研究成果與文章作深入的探討,遂撰寫第一章〈緒論〉。 進行文本的探討之前,應對於作家的家世淵源、個人成長歷程、文學啟蒙、寫作動機與其歷代作品特色有一番了解與認識,於是完成第二章〈鄭丰其人其事及其作品〉。進入《靈劍》文本後,遂從小說內容中的鋪陳手法、主題思想以及情節安排三個方面作舉例與分析探討,於是撰寫本論文第三章〈《靈劍》的主題思想與情節安排〉。在《靈劍》形象生動鮮明的角色形象中,即從細膩的人物形象塑造、豐富的內心情思描寫、生動的人物性格刻劃,以及鮮活的女性角色面貌四部分探討其人物形象,而完成第四章〈《靈劍》的小說人物形象〉。最後歸納全書各章,研究《靈劍》如何跳脫傳統的武俠視野,及其特殊之處,並針對其小說的內容價值與藝術價值加以整理彙整,於是完成本論文第五章〈結論〉。 綜合上列各章,本書多面向探討鄭丰所著《靈劍》的主題思想與藝術手法,及其帶給讀者的深遠影響,冀望本研究對日後繼續研究鄭丰的研究者能有所裨益。


《ling jian》 is the second Kungfu chivalry novel written by the author Zheng feng who has been acclaimed as the “female Jin yong”. It was published in 2009 as the prequel for 《tian guan shuang xia》. The novel was set in Min dynasty. Telling the story of how Ling Xioa and Qin Yang Long destroyed the cult Huo Jiao and saved the world. The novel was a popular hit after its first sequel 《tian guan shuang xia》. The writer studied 《ling jian》and read all other novels written by Zeng Feng, then using Kungfu chivalry books and other thesis as references, he raised questions and also provided answers. The writer also researched into Zheng Feng’s present work and other related thesis and made profound discussion. These were put into the first chapter. “Prologue”. Before discussing the main text, a thorough understanding of the author’s family background, personal life experience, literature enlightenment, intention of writing and the special features from her work in the past are necessary, thus the second chapter is “Zheng Feng and her work”. After going into the main text of 《ling jian》, we make examples and analysis from the aspects of narrative skill, theme and plot, thus chapter 3 “The main theme and plot arrangement of 《ling jian》. Looking at the vibrant and distinct characters in 《ling jian》, from aspects of exquisite characters image, rich innermost feelings, lively characteristics and vivid female facial description, we analysis the characters image and form chapter 4 “The characters image in Jian Ling”. Finally, after concluding all the chapters in the book, we study how 《ling jian》managed to avoid the traditional KungFu chivalry story and added its special features. We also sorted out the content value and the artistic value of the book in chapter 5 of thesis “Theory”. Summarizing the above chapters, we study the main theme and artistic techniques of the book 《ling jian》 written by Zheng Feng from multiple aspects and its deep influence to the readers.


zheng feng ling jian kunfu novel characteristic female


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8. 馮幼衡《武俠小說讀者心理需要之研究》,國立政治大學新聞研究所碩士論文,1978年
11. 徐復觀,《中國人性論史》(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1969年1月
6. 陳姿蓉《鄭丰武俠小說研究》,國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系語文教學碩士論文,2013年
5. 陳建安〈鄭丰《靈劍》的女俠形象〉,收錄於《藝術與文化論衡》,2014年

