  • 學位論文


A Study of Information Competency Required for Primary School Students

指導教授 : 蔡秉燁


本研究主要在建構當前國小學童資訊能力指標及國小學童資訊能力指標階層結構化學習地圖。首先,採用「台灣國民核心能力(素養)」架構,針對27項現今「九年一貫國小資訊教育課程分段能力指標」,透過三次德懷術專家諮詢修正,在四個面向、八個子面向暨研究者依子面向說明所劃分之21項標準下,最後共計建構出24項指標。其次,採用問卷調查法,先探討任兩指標間之學習因果關係,再利用「詮釋結構模式」(Interpretive Structure Modeling, ISM)工具來自編半結構問卷,針對德懷術專家群調查,接著彙整結果並繪出國小學童資訊能力指標階層結構化學習地圖。 本研究運用本土理論建構之「台灣國民核心能力(素養)」成果,結合並更新現今「九年一貫國小資訊教育課程分段能力指標」,除符合教育部明訂之以基本能力為核心架構,來作為學校教育的課程與教材之修訂原則外,更冀盼藉由學者專家與實務工作者之經驗與意見,使本研究兼顧理論與實務,確實達成九年一貫課程教育改革目標的發展契機,在未來達成個人與團體「成功的生活與健全的社會」之願景。 本研究結論如下: 一、確認台灣國民核心能力(素養)架構下國小學童所應具備之資訊能力指標。 二、確認台灣國民核心能力(素養)架構下國小學童所應具備資訊能力指標間之學習因果關係。 三、建立台灣國民核心(素養)能力架構下國小學童所應具備之資訊能力階層結 構化學習地圖。 本研究未來研究建議如下: 一、針對研究中遭遇問題之建議: (一) 本研究採用「全方位的國民核心能力(素養)之教育研究」之台灣國民核心能力(素養)架構,其他研究者亦可選擇經南北兩區專家座談會結論所建議之三個面向的台灣國民核心能力(素養)作為架構。由於兩者面向內容有所不同,亦建議採用結合兩者之台灣國民核心能力(素養)架構。 (二) 本研究採用三次德懷術問卷調查,由於能力指標篩選方式嚴格,建議最後再採用研討會或座談會方式,針對專家群能力指標意見相左之處,再當面加以澄清。 (三) 建議以專家訪談方式取代本研究第二部分之問卷調查。 (四) 有些能力指標不易明確區分出其學習年級區塊,甚至出現有連續跨年級學習或中止現象。因此,能力指標須更具體化或整體考量。此外,針對區分學習年級區塊時,所發現之國小學童資訊能力呈現M型社會現象,建議實施國小學童資訊能力之學力測驗及補救教學等配套措施,以謀求改善。 (五)後續應進行國小學童資訊能力實證調查研究,以明瞭資訊教師對國小學童資訊能力指標之看法是否有顯著差異。 二、應用本研究之建議: (一)建置學習資源網站與分級制網路學習社群並作為國小學童資訊能力培育依據。 (二)作為國小學童資訊能力評鑑依據並擬定資訊能力檢核表與定期調查國小學童資訊能力現況。 (三)參照本研究發展學術論壇並規劃證照制度。


The primary purpose of this study is to develop the current status of the Information Technology Education competence indicators at elementary school , and to draw hierarchy attributes of the leanning map based on investigating the priority relation between any two indicators in learning order. First,using framework of “Taiwanese Key Competencies” which focus on 27 indicators of the “Grade 1-9 Curriculum Competence Indicators or Benchmarks of Information Technology Education”. After three surveys using Delphi technique on experts’ opinions 24 competence indicators were generalized under 4 sections, 8 categories, and 21 standards which the author concluded from 8 categories. Secondly, using Questionnaire Survey to conclud the priority relation between any two indicators, and then using “Interpretive Structure Modeling” to compile a semi-structural questionnaire. According to the result of questionnaire, to draw hierarchical attributes of the leanning map based on Information Technology Education competence indicators of elementary school. This study apply the result of local theory “Taiwanese key competencies” to integrate, and then to update “Grade 1-9 Curriculum Competence Indicators of Information Technology Education”. Not only did the study conform to the Core framework based on Core Competence established by Ministry of Education for being the principles of adjusting school curriculum and teaching materials,but also we expect that scholars and practitioners provide their experiences and opnions which can incorporate both theory and practice of this study to achieve the goal of Grade 1-9 Curriculum education reform and to futher accomplish the vision of “for a successful life and a well-functioning society” in the future. The results were as follows: A. To develop the current status of the Information Competence indicators for elementary school students based on Taiwanese Key Competencies. B. To clarify the correlativity between any two Information Competence indicators’ priority in learning order. C. To draw hierarchical structures of attribute in the leanning map based on Taiwanese Key Competencies at elementary school. The suggestions were made as follows: A. Suggestions for solving the study’s probleam 1. The study suggestion futhur search can use either three sections which concluded by expert conference in North and South areas, or combine with the framework of Key Competencies of「Key Competencies’ Overarching educational studies」which was used by this research. 2. The study administered three times by adapting Delphi technique. Suggest that the futher research should use symposium and expert conference to clarify the different opnions among experts. 3. Suggest use expert interview instead of questionnaire investigate which was the second part of the study. 4. Some student’s information competence indicators can’t be discriminated from grade 3~6 learning areas; Cross-grades learning or discontinuing can be found. Therefore, information competence indicators should be more specific or overall considering. Besides, this study suggests that administer Basic Competency Test or Remendial Instructions program to improve“M-shape Society” phenomenon in student’s information competence of elementary schools. 5. The futher research should continue to investigate into survey research of student’s information competence of elementary schools in order to understand wheather Information Teachers achieve a significance level on student’s information competence of elementary schools or not. B. Suggestions on applying this study 1. Set up Resource network and learning community web base on Student’s information competence indicators which constructed by this research can be used for student’s preparation. 2. Student’s information competence indicators constructed by the research can be used for student’s evaluation, and information competence checklist. Also, it can test on the current condition of student’s information competence regularly. 3. Student’s information competence indicators constructed by the research can be developed the elementary school Academic Forums and built up certification.




