  • 學位論文


The Research of the Relationship among National Identity and Taiwanese Consciousness. The Cases of Presidential Elections.

指導教授 : 張五岳


臺灣現行國號就是中華民國,但是在國家認同上卻始終未獲得全體人民的共識,部分人士則以臺灣作為這塊土地的國號,就在中華民國與臺灣兩者混用的情況下,產生國家認同上的分歧。臺灣經過歷代殖民者的統治,生活在臺灣的先民逐漸誕生出一種初步的臺灣意識,提供了臺灣人民對於本身認同的依據,但也在政治、經濟、以及社會文化等三個層面影響了國家認同。 本論文將以五次總統大選為例,分別探討臺灣意識如何地,從統獨與族群因素影響國家認同的走向。目前,臺灣與中國大陸,自1949年國民政府遷臺的軍事對峙,發展成隔海分治,各自發展屬於自我的歷史記憶,逐步產生「我群」、「他群」的分別,也為日後臺灣在國家認同的分歧上埋下伏筆。 自1996年我國舉行首次的總統直選,目前總共進行了五次的總統直選、兩次的政黨輪替,在選戰中發現到主要競爭政黨,對於國號用語仍有分歧,但綜觀來說,內涵仍不跳脫臺灣主體意識。臺灣與中國大陸目前交流人數逐年攀升,經貿往來也日益頻繁,惟臺灣民眾對臺灣人認同卻逐年攀升,更值得我們去觀察。 最後,我們發現,臺灣最主要的兩個政黨,國、民兩大黨將臺灣由「地理名詞」的層面,延伸至「國號」層面,影響中華民國做為國號「唯一」的地位。目前臺灣意識的高漲,使得中華民國在內涵上有所轉變,現在雖然是官定的國號,卻尚需輔以臺灣二字加以說明,顯現出中華民國不管在對外或對內均遭受認同上的挑戰。我們在中華民國與臺灣用法的等同,使得臺灣也能代表中華民國,卻使得部分臺灣人民將中華民國做為備而不用的國號。


The country, Republic of China on Taiwan, is the current title. But it has never been to get the consensus in the national identity among all the people. Some people places the country name of this land as Taiwan. In the situation of mixture among the Republic of China and Taiwan produces divergence on national identity differences. After successive colonial rule in Taiwan, Taiwan's ancestors gradually gave birth to a preliminary Taiwanese consciousness, providing the people in Taiwan a basis for its own identity.It also affects in political, economic, social and cultural parts for the country identity. The country has undergone five direct presidential elections since its first in 1996, and changed in the ruling party twice. It was found that there are still differences between the terms for the country during the campaign among the two major parties competing. But generally speaking, the meaning was still in the Taiwanese ideology. Exchanges between Taiwan and mainland China is currently the number has increased steadily now, with more frequent economic and trade exchanges. But the people of Taiwan showed increased on the Taiwanese identity year by year, which worth our observation. First, the two major parties, KMT and DPP, extended “Taiwan” from a geographical term to the nation title. It affected the status of Republic of China as the only title. Second, the booming of Taiwanese ideology changed the meaning of Republic of China. Being the current nation title, further explanation of Taiwan was needed. Third, the identity of Taiwan and Republic of China made Taiwan can also represent Republic of China, which made parts of the people put Republic of China as an abandoned nation title. The three points found were the conclusion of this thesis.


吳家恆主編,破曉-2000陳水扁勝選大策略 (臺北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司,2000年)。
施正鋒,臺灣人的民族認同 (臺北:前衛出版社,2000年)。
