  • 學位論文


A Study on the Switching Behavioral Intention of Metro Commuters Transferring from Scooters to Public Bikes Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Technology Acceptance Model

指導教授 : 羅惠瓊


為了改善台灣民眾使用機車所產生的環境汙染與交通安全問題,政府不斷地鼓勵民眾多利用大眾運輸以減少私有運具之使用,而大眾運輸工具之中以公共自行車最為環保。全球目前已有 831 個城市設置公共自行車讓民眾租借,而台北市政府亦希望藉由推行公共自行車租賃系統 YouBike,能有效移轉或減少私有運具之使用。然而根據YouBike 之使用統計數據發現,其平均使用周轉率雖高,但其使用者多是非經常的使用型態,此結果顯示YouBike取代私有運具的成效上是有限。再者,目前機車轉乘族使用YouBike轉乘情況並不普及,且在運具選擇行為方面的文獻較少以計畫行為理論與科技接受模式來探討使用意圖。有鑑於此,本研究欲探討機車轉捷運之轉乘族轉換使用YouBike的行為意圖,並企圖結合計畫行為理論與科技接受模式,加上習慣和環保意識等因素以建構其轉換行為的研究架構,進而驗證之。 在實證方面,本研究以機車轉乘族為研究對象,最後共計回收 191 份有效樣本。本研究進行樣本資料的敘述統計分析、T 檢定、變異數分析與信效度分析以及模式的檢驗後,驗證本研究的假說皆為成立。而經分析可到下列結果: 一、計畫行為理論之使用態度、社會規範、知覺行為控制會正向影響轉換使用 YouBike的意圖。 二、科技接受模式之認知有用性與認知用性會正向影響轉換意圖。 三、使用機車的習慣則是負向影響轉換意圖。 四、環保意識則是正向影響轉換意圖。 最後,綜合研究結果提出管理意涵與建議,如欲提昇機車轉乘族轉換使用YouBike 的意圖,建議可加強改善車輛調度以及自行車道的規劃,而政府應該更嚴格管制交通與法規,以降低交通事故的發生率,提高民眾更安全的交通環境。此外,目前機車轉乘族使用機車已是長久以來的習慣,但對於轉換使用 YouBike的意願高,因此,未來欲使民眾使用YouBike 來減少或降低機車的使用是具有可行性的。


To improve environmental pollution and traffic safety related to motorcyclists, the government has continued encouraging people to take use public transit system to replace or reduce the use of private vehicles. Public bicycles are most friendly to the environment. Currently, many cities around the world have set up the public bicycle system, and our government also hopes that the implementation of public bicycle system YouBike can effectively transfer or reduce the use of private transport. However, according to the statistics, the efficacy is limited. Therefore, this study tries to explore the behavioral intention of motorcyclists switching to YouBike. There have been few studies of behavioral intention based on the models of Combined TPB and TAM, so this research has laid emphasis on the mode switching behavior of motorcyclists to YouBike based on Combined TPB and TAM as well as habit and environmental consciousness. Motorcyclists have been selected as the research subjects and 191 valid questionnaires were obtained. Descriptive statistical analysis, T test, variance analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis, and path analysis have been conducted to verify the hypotheses by SPSS and PLS. The results show: First, theories of planned behavior of attitude, social norms, perceived behavioral control positively affect the switching intention. Second, Technology Acceptance Model of usefulness and perceived ease of use positively affect switching intention. Third, the habits negatively affect switching intention. Lastly, environmental consciousness has been positively related to witching intention. According to the results, the conclusions of this study and management implications were made. To enhance the switching of the motorcycle to YouBike, the cycling paths should be well planned and traffic safety and traffic laws enforced to reduce traffic accidents and provide safer traffic environment.


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