  • 學位論文


The Study of the Misconception that Transportation Construction is the same as Economic Development─A Case Study on the Expansion of the Circumferential Road in Changpin Village, Tai 11 Highway

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本研究的目的在探討交通建設等同於經濟發展的迷思 以台灣東部海岸道路 台11線外環道拓寬後對於地方的影響作為討論案例。政府當初在台11線拓寬前曾對東部居民承諾:台11線的拓寬,將會讓東部經濟好轉,甚至地方也能快速發展等等的口號,而經過了十年,東部地區,尤其是台東境內的許多小鄉鎮,並沒有因為道路的拓寬而有更多發展的機會,反而當整體經濟與社會環境不利時,加速這些問題的惡化。 台灣東部居民的生活,從荷西明清以來一直是個不受治理台灣的政府重視的地方,國民政府遷台之後大部分的經濟建設計劃與施政方針,多著重於西部地區為主。過去人們對觀光有著無限的期待,在這個迷思下,當地方在經濟上遇到困境,最直接想到的方式就是觀光的開發,也認為只要有觀光的開發就會帶來商機並且得以改善當地居民生活。 本文研究方法以分別為文獻分析、個案選擇與分析、田野調查等三種方法為主。其中透過田野調查所設計出的問卷作為引導本研究相關議題討論的關鍵點。本研究事先做實驗性訪談,受訪者二人共兩次,以修正訪談方向與議題,再進行約27人的半結構訪談。 經由地方居民生活經驗與本研究者時地田野調查結果得知存在長濱地區居民生活各層面上出現的現象,本研究者透過觀察得到的現象彼此間的關係進而發現相關延伸問題並加以分析討論:觀察得到的地方社會現象與相關延伸問題整理之後,發現地方呈現的現象之所以困擾地方居民主要乃是經濟、社會文化、硬體觀光、地方政治等四類面向。本研究者認為關於上述造成地方上社會現象問題有兩個重要的課題,分別為:1.交通建設等同於發展的迷思;2.缺乏在地思維的開發政策。 最後,本研究得到以下結論,共有四點: (一) 長久的以來城鄉差距造成地方居民普遍對於交通建設所帶 來的效益過度期待。 (二) 交通建設的工程與政治利益才是許多地方相關人士的真正 興趣所在。 (三) 交通建設被視為等同於經濟發展的扭曲價值觀。 (四) 單一開發的外環道將迫使偏遠地區的小鎮加速沒落。


交通 建設 地方 經濟 發展 小鎮 快速道路 外環道 拓寬 長濱


This research is aimed to probe into the misconception that transportation construction is the same as economic development. It is a case study on the effect the expansion of the circumferential road of Tai 11 Highway in Eastern Taiwan has to the local area. The government made promise to the residents in Eastern Taiwan that the expansion of Tai 11 Highway could help promote the economic development in the East, and even promised that the local area would develop rapidly. However, after a decade, the East, especially the many townships in Taitung did not obtain more opportunities for development because of the expansion of the highway. On the contrary, the problems worsen when the whole economic and social environments in Taiwan are not very good. The residents’ lives in Eastern Taiwan have never been the focus to the government ever since Dutch and Spanish Rule, Ming Dynasty and Ching Dynasty. After the Nationalist Government moved to Taiwan, most projects for economic planning and development focus on the development of Western Taiwan. Many people used to have so much expectation on tourism, and thus, they would directly go for tourism development when they faced economic difficulties, and they also had the misconception that tourism development would bring business opportunities and could further improve the local lives. Literatures Analysis, Case Selection and Analysis and Field Survey are the three methods adopted in this research. The questionnaire designed in the field survey is the key point that leads to the discussions on the related issues in this research. Experimental interviews with two subjects twice were conducted in advance for corrections of the research direction and the issues covered. Semi-structured interviews with 27 subjects were then conducted. The phenomena occur in different levels of lives in Changpin Village were learnt from the local residents’ experiences and the research results from the field survey. Extended problems found from observing the interrelations between these observed phenomena are further analyzed and discussed. It is concluded from the phenomena observed locally and from the organization of the extended problems that there are four directions of the phenomena that bother the local residents, which are, the Economy, the Social Culture, Tourism Facilities, and Local Politics. The author believes that there are two issues that cause the social phenomena locally: A. The misconception that transportation construction is the same as development; B. The lack of development policies with local thinking. Finally, the conclusion of this research include the following 4 points: (A). The reason for the gap between town and country for a long time has been because of the local residents’ over-expectation on the effects of the transportation construction. (B). The construction itself and the political interests are what the local authorities are really interested in. (C). The values to view transportation construction as the economic development are distorted. (D). Development of a single circumferential road will force a remote township to accelerate its decline.


1999 《第三期台灣地區整體運輸規劃---公路篇》,交通部運輸研究所。
2000 《行政院國家科學委員會88年度專題研究計劃》〈城鄉差距與地方派系影響力之實証研究─民國八十七年台北縣縣議員、鄉鎮市長選舉的個案分析〉,民89年11月。
王志弘、余佳玲譯 Mike Crang原著
江明修、劉梅君譯 John Forester原著
金衡山譯 Jane JACOBS原著


陳玉蟾(2015)。從社造到社運: 美里庄環境保育聯盟反118關西外環道事件研究〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2015.00338
