  • 學位論文


The study of government procurement

指導教授 : 黃一峯


從台灣光復之初以至今日,時代不斷遷移,科技日益進步,而政府制度,亦需隨著時間更迭,不斷進步。而政府採購,向來為民生經濟與政府施政之重要議題。在我國進入WTO與國際接軌潮流環境下,政府自民國88年“政府採購法”正式實施以來,就政策、執行方面皆有許多值得探討的議題。本研究將針對政府採購標案之決標品質與效益,進行法規及實務兩個面向加以探討。 在政府公共工程採購案中,其決標方式,各自擁護者所抱持的意向,大相徑庭,究竟在政府在公共工程採購上,採用的決標策略與方式為何?是需要仍以舊有的最低標決標方式?亦或者採行最有利標之決標方式,本文亦將做深入探討。 往昔針對公共工程採購研究議題,多半著墨於法規層面,而本研究先行運用次級資料分析之手法,先行將爭議與易發生問題的議題、項目整合之後,進行問卷編篡而後將問卷建立指標並進行統計分析。而樣本方面,將選擇營造、水電、消防、空調、室內裝修、景觀等相關工程產業公會之理監事及負責及辦理採購業務相關人員,以為抽樣問卷調查之對象,藉以探討採購政策與機關執行成效對營造工程產業之影響,進而提出改進建議。 本研究發現,政府採購法已實施14年了,雖然作到了公平資訊公開,然而社會大眾普遍對於政府辦理公共工程採購仍未具信心,相關工程產業,對於公告上網金額提高30~50萬元及良好有利標的配套制度與措施、公程會編定固定合理管理費用比例等仍深切期待。本研究期望可以提供相關政策選項建議,以利採購法制建全,並創造營建工業興盛,進而帶動國家經濟繁榮社會康樂。


Form 1999, Taiwan Government began to implement the Government Procurement Act. This Act is enacted to establish a government procurement system that has fair and open procurement procedures, promotes the efficiency and effectiveness of government procurement operation, and ensures the quality of procurement. In these days, lots of suppliers will aim at way of award the contract. Which one is better? lowest price project or the best project? That is a very important issue that we have to investigate. In this research we will find some chair of supplier who has lots of experience in government procurement, they can gave us some opinion and recommendation to gave this act the way of revise. The method of research is mainly based on Statistics Analysis and Secondary Analysis. We had found that the main item of controversy, the way of award the contract and the relationship between the government and suppliers. In the way of award the contract can be divided into 「lowest price project」and 「best project」. This study suggests that the government should use the best project in government procurement, although lowest price project can help government to save money but we can’t guarantee the quality of procurement. so we should choose the best one for our country and our people.


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