  • 學位論文


The Policy and Mechanism of Taiwan's Narcotics Hazard Control

指導教授 : 曾復生
共同指導教授 : 何思因(Si-yin He)


時至2012年的今日,臺灣仍飽受毒品之害,從早期的鴉片、海洛英、安非他命,到近年的搖頭丸、愷他命等新興毒品充斥臺灣社會,為減少臺灣內部已浮出檯面的毒品氾濫問題,有關毒品危害防制遂成為有關當局不得不面對的議題。 本研究採文獻分析法,以毒品危害防制政策與機制為基礎,研究我國毒品防制的發展與現行法規之施行現況,以及當前毒品犯罪之狀況,冀能尋找到最適合我國的毒品防制方式,使我國毒品危害有效降低。 經由資料的蒐集與整理,本研究發現,我國整體反毒策略目標,未能結合政策法制核心,而我國數十年來各單位雖實施多項反毒機制,但中央無肅毒負責人與專責防制單位,相關政策之執行亦無法明顯降低毒品危害。 因此擬訂毒品防制政策與機制的目的,即為減少毒品對國家產生之危害,而政策的完整性及相關機制的執行程度,端賴執政者是否能正視毒品危害之嚴重性,全面性的思考毒品防制政策與機制應如何制定且具體落實,臺灣方能建構成為理想中的「無毒家園」。


Till today (2012), Taiwan is still endangered by narcotic drugs, from opium, heroin, and amphetamines in earlier years to ecstasy, ketamine, and other emerging drugs in recent years. Due to their widespread in the Taiwanese society, in order to reduce the internal problem of drug abuse that has surfaced in Taiwan, drug-related hazard control has become the issue the relevant authorities have to face. In this study, with the policy and mechanism of narcotics hazard control as the basis, the document analysis method was adopted to explore the development of Taiwan’s drug prevention and the current implementation of the existing laws and regulations, as well as the condition of drug related crimes, with the hope of finding the most suitable drug prevention method,thereby effectively reducing the endangerment of drugs to our country. Through data collection and compilation, it was found that Taiwan’s overall anti-drug strategic goals have failed to combine the core of the policies and legal norms. On the other hand, despite the local units’ implementation of multiple anti-drug mechanisms over the past decades, the central government did not assign people in charge of drug clearance, nor did it set up special drug prevention units. On top of that, the implementation of the related policies failed to significantly reduce the dangers of drugs. Therefore, the purpose of the development of drug control policies and mechanisms is to reduce the endangerment of drugs to our country, while the integrity of the policies and the degree of implementation of the related mechanisms rely on whether or not the ruling party takes the severity of drug endangerment seriously. Only by engaging in compressive thinking of how to develop drug prevention policies and mechanisms and specific implementation can Taiwan be transformed into a “drug-free homeland.


<遠離毒品 關愛未來>。新華網,2003年6月26日。
