  • 學位論文


A preliminary study on comics reading: Evidence from eye-tracking method.

指導教授 : 唐大崙


在未來圖像化的傳播趨勢中,圖像與文字讓訊息設計更為五花八門,圖文訊息的有效編排與設計將是未來傳播的重點。本研究企圖跳脫以往研究圖文敘事的範疇,以讀者的注意力為出發點,藉由眼動實驗探討「以圖為主」、「以文為主」兩種不同的漫畫文類對讀者閱讀的影響。本實驗以平均年齡18~25歲,共69位淡江大學的大學生與研究生做為受試者,並將男女人數平均配,希望透過不同圖文主體的漫畫內容,探討讀者在圖像與文字的注視歷程,以此探究圖文訊息設計與讀者注意力之間的交互效果。 研究發現,(一)閱讀漫畫的過程中,文字是受試者首要處理的訊息。(二)在閱讀「以文為主」的漫畫時,受試者會需要更多圖文共構的歷程。(三)「以文為主」的漫畫出現更趨一致的觀看順序。(四)「以圖為主」的漫畫觀看順序一致性偏低,且閱讀動線集中在圖像區。綜合以上研究發現,本研究建議在圖文搭配的訊息設計上,除了注重圖像的敘事功能之外,文字更是讀者解讀意義及決定是否要繼續閱讀的動機,並且要注意圖文訊息的邏輯敘述,使讀者在閱讀過程中更能掌握作者要傳達的意義,降低意義解讀上的不確定性,使圖像與文字能夠達成互補的作用,讓訊息更具有閱讀的吸引力。


眼動追蹤法 圖文共構 漫畫


Thanks to picture and text, design of message becomes much more diversified than ever. In the future trend of visualized communication, the efficient arrangement and design of picture and text will be very important. By eye tracking test, this research studies the difference of impacts between two kinds of comic genres: narrative by picture & narrative by text. The subjects of this test are 69 undergraduates and graduate students of TKU, aged from 18~25 and equally divided to male and female. By studying the eye movement of readers reading picture and text between different comic genres, this research try to analysis the interaction effect of text-picture message design and reader’s attention. The main findings of this research are as following:(1)In the reading journey, text is the first message processed by the subjects.(2)When reading comics narrated by text, subjects experienced more integration of picture and text.(3)Subject shows more consistency in reading sequence when they are reading comic narrated by text.(4)Subject shows less consistency in reading sequence when they are reading comic narrated by picture, and the eye movement of subject focus on picture area. In conclusion, beside of narrative function of picture, text is the key factor influencing the meaning interpretation and motives of continue reading. To make message more attractive to read, the authors must pay attention to the logical discouse of text-picture message, and reduce the uncertainty of meaning interpretation.


