  • 學位論文


Analysis of Personality Trait, International Perspective, Consumer Ethnocentrism Among Taiwanese audience~ The case of Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean TV drama

指導教授 : 曾義明


近年來,外國電視劇的引入受到國人喜愛,舉凡從食、衣、住、行、育、樂,至流行時尚與消費趨勢也常見臺灣人民受到外來文化影響的影子。本研究以現今流行的電視劇三大主流:臺灣電視劇、日本電視劇、韓國電視劇作為研究。 日本電視劇在臺灣引起的流行不僅帶動龐大的商業行銷與觀光效益,更創造許多新聞時事話題;韓國電視劇發展起步雖較晚,但是透過韓國政府及民間不遺餘力地大力拓展,更使得「韓流」加速推波助瀾;臺灣電視劇曾歷經輝煌,如今面臨外來劇之競爭,優勢不再,其現象值得相關產官學界共同來關注與省思。 本研究以閱聽人之人格特質、國際觀、民族中心主義來分析探討其電視劇之閱聽選擇關係,期望有助於臺灣電視劇產業之發展。本研究主要受訪者係集中以臺灣之北部地區,以曾經閱聽過臺灣、日本、韓國電視劇,年齡大約平均由15歲以上至65歲以內之閱聽人為主,共發出問卷540份,回收540份,其中有效問卷430份。研究結果發現臺灣電視劇與韓國電視劇閱聽人之人格特質相當接近,顯見臺灣電視劇閱聽人與韓國電視劇閱聽人之族群相當接近,日本電視劇閱聽人之人格特質則屬於「開放性」之人格特質;國際觀較高之閱聽人較偏好日本電視劇,臺灣電視劇及韓國電視劇之閱聽人國際觀較不明顯;民族中心主義對於閱聽人在臺灣、日本、韓國電視劇之選擇較無影響。 本研究建議臺灣電視劇之相關製作單位可集中資源推出國內經典大型代表作、並與韓國合作、合資,產製出往大市場方向邁進、具多元發展之電視劇。並學習日劇成功之操作模式,多拍攝關於職場方面與增加跨文化的劇情內容,吸引更多國內之電視劇閱聽人,並爭取保障國內製作智慧財產權之權益。


Taiwanese audiences are interested in foreign imported TV drama recently, which effect noticeably on their food, clothes, living, transportation, entertainment, even more to fashion style and the trend of consumption consumer trends. Thus, the paper analysis based on the main three TV dramas-- Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean TV drama. This study analyzed TV drama from three countries: Taiwan, Japan and Korea. The popularity of Japanese TV drams have brought enormous commercial opportunities and tourism benefits, also created many current topics in the news. Korean TV dramas have started later, but both Korean government and non-government societies private sectors have made a great effort on expend it out “South Korean fad” occurred accordingly. promoting them, hence the “K-Pop” has born. The Taiwanese TV dramas once were brilliant had its glory, but facing those foreign imported TV dramas imports, it has lost it’s advantages. The appearance is worth a reflection from the field of industry, government and academic. The paper This study is expected hoping to contribute to the development of Taiwanese TV dramas by analyzing the relation correlations between the personality trait, international perspective, consumer ethnocentrism of audiences and their selection of TV drama. Major The majority of participants in the survey are were audiences who live in the north of Taiwan, age from 15 to 65, seen and have watched Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean TV dramas. The paper The study has issued a total of 540 questionnaires, and recovering recovered valid questionnaires of 430. The result revealed that: 1. The personality trait of audience seeing watching Taiwanese and Korean TV drama are similar, which means the audience group of Taiwanese and Korean TV drama are close while the personality trait of audience seeing watching Japanese TV drama are part of “open” trait; 2. The audiences with higher-level of international perspective tend to see watch Japanese TV dramas; and 3. The consumer ethnocentrism has no obviously effect on the audience of their selection to Taiwanese, Japanese or Korean TV drama. The paper This study suggests that the production organizer makers of TV dramas in Taiwan may work together, centralize the resources, and release local classic works make more big scale classical dramas which are related to the root of Taiwan. Not only cooperate with South Korea, producing a multi-developing drama, They not only can collaborate with South Korea producing dramas with multi-marketing aims but also learn from the successful system of Japanese TV drama, filming more screens on business environments producing stories related to office environment and cross-culture in order to attract more audiences. Furthermore, they should also ensure intellectual property rights in local of the local productions.


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