  • 學位論文


Deception in college students' romantic relationship: A preliminary study

指導教授 : 黃宗堅


本研究旨在探討大學生戀愛關係中欺瞞事件、欺瞞動機、欺瞞種類之內涵以及欺瞞對關係的影響,本研究以臺灣地區擁有戀愛經驗的大學生為對象,首先,透過文獻探討,以瞭解欺瞞行為的內涵及相關研究,研究方法採用質化研究詮釋學觀點進行資料的收集與分析,針對6名男性大學生與7名女性大學生進行深度訪談,最後,研究者對於受訪者的經驗進行詮釋與分析。 研究結果顯示: 一、 大學生對戀愛關係中欺瞞的看法:從欺瞞動機分成「可接受」與「不可接受」的欺瞞行為。 二、欺瞞事件:有「劈腿」、「過去情感經驗」、「金錢使用」、「特殊節日」、「約會協議」、「家人評價」、「家庭狀況」、「異性朋友」、「個人嗜好」、「上課」、「社團工作」或「社交」等事件。 三、自己的欺瞞動機:包含「對自己有利」與「對他人有利」2種。 四、對方的欺瞞動機:包含「對欺瞞者有利」、「對受欺瞞者有利」與「傷害受欺瞞者」3種。 五、欺瞞種類:以欺瞞運作的方式做分類,得到「避而不談」、「避重就輕」、「含糊其詞」、「捏造事實」、「打死不認」、「戲謔笑談」、「轉移焦點」和「誇大其詞」等8類。 六、欺瞞對關係的影響:(一)欺瞞行為本身會為關係帶來傷害(二)欺瞞行為與關係間的懷疑與信任有關,欺瞞越多,懷疑也越多,信任則下降。(三)欺瞞行為可能會讓欺瞞者與受欺瞞者在往後的關係中使用更多的欺瞞行為。(四)欺瞞的結果可能是好的。(五)欺瞞對關係的總影響要同時考慮欺瞞的結果與欺瞞本身所造成的影響,好壞難料。 依據上述主要研究結果與討論,對實務工作者及未來研究提供建議: 一、本研究提供助人工作者面對相關議題時的參考,讓大學的戀人們能更理性與具體的看清戀愛關係中欺瞞使用的得失,並幫助因受欺瞞而求助的當事人重新建構戀愛關係中對欺瞞的觀感,使當事人更為適然。 二、在研究上則應向下紮根,從文化視框中切入,以大學階段特質的脈絡下進一步做更深入的相關研究。 關鍵詞:欺瞞事件、欺瞞動機、欺瞞種類


This study attempt to explore the intention of deceptive events , deceptive motivations and deceptive ways, as well as the influence of deception on romantic relationship. Participates are college students who had been in love once in Taiwan. The author cleared the intention and research of deception by literature conferring. The hermeneutic method of qualitative research was adopted in this thesis. The data was collected with an in-depth interview approach and the researcher interviewed six male and seven female college students. The author used the hermeneutic perspective to analyze the thirteen students’ experience of romantic deception. The study results could be concluded as followings: 1. Perception of romantic deception: There are two kinds of deception. One is “acceptable”, the other is “unacceptable”. The participants thought that motivation defined it. 2. Deceptive events: multiple couples, ex-couple, money spent, special day, promise, family’s value, family circumstances, the opposite-sex friend, hobby, class, work or company, or social contact. 3. Deceptive motivations(from lie tellers’): is advantageous to “others” or “myself”. 4. Deceptive motivations(from lie receivers’): is advantageous to “others” ,“himself” or is harmful to “others”. 5. Deceptive ways: classify according to the way how they cheat, including concealment, misdirection, equivocal, fabrications, denial, playings, diversionary responses, and exaggerations. 6. The influence of deception on romantic relationship: (1)deception is harmful to romantic relationship;(2)deception correlates with doubt and trust in romantic relationship, the higher deception in romantic relationship, the more doubt and the less trust in the romantic relationship;(3)telling lies leads lie tellers and lie receivers to tell more lies;(4)deception might result in good outcome;(5)if you deceive , no one knows the result. Based on the research results and discussion, several suggestions for guidance and further research are explored. 1. The study aims at providing a reference for helping professionals to handle the related issues--increasing understanding of college students, who are in relationships, about pros and cons of cheating in relationship, and help clients who experience of being deceived in past romantic relationships to re-build their perspectives about deceive in romantic relationship. 2. In research, one should investigate more deeply and widely through culture context in college stage.


穆佩芬 (1996) 。現象學研究。護理研究,4(2),195-202。
