  • 學位論文


A Study of Market Segmentation and User Characteristic of Urban Electric Vehicle Sharing Services

指導教授 : 鍾智林 陶治中


電動汽車共享服務,又可稱為電動汽車自助式租賃服務,其營運方式類似臺北市的YouBike自行車租賃服務模式,特點包括:資通訊科技導向之取車還車流程、服務據點多、自助式無人服務等,因此適合於短程、區域性觀光或通勤交通使用。電動汽車共享服務不僅可節省成本,尚有助於舒緩交通擁擠、提升運輸效率以及降低私人運具停車位需求等,發展潛力極大。 然而,電動汽車共享服務在國內仍在初步的認知階段,尚屬於一種前瞻性的運輸服務。有鑒於此,本研究將基於使用者觀點,探討都會區電動汽車共享服務之市場區隔,並確認其使用意願較高之族群與特性。本研究參考相關文獻與從業人員訪談進行問卷設計,藉由因素分析與集群分析進行市場區隔,再經由卡方檢定刪除不顯著之因素後,利用排序普羅比模式分析出各族群之特性。研究結果發現,電動汽車共享服務市場可分為四群,分別為「保守觀望族群」、「價格敏感族群」、「支持環保族群」與「勇於嚐試族群」。然後,經由排序普羅比模式之校估結果,得知「勇於嚐試族群」與「支持環保族群」為主要目標市場,其特性為男性,平均月收入於2萬至4萬,且持有小汽車超過1輛者,此兩族群可接受最長步行時間與充電時間皆較其他兩個族群為長。「勇於嚐試族群」的平均使用意願最高,並相當重視車機系統與可行駛速度兩項因素,因此對性能較佳的車輛較有興趣。「支持環保族群」則重視電動汽車共享服務對環境保護之實際貢獻。未來若進行整體電動汽車共享服務規劃時,市場目標應以觀光遊憩與娛樂社交為主。收費可採租用時段與使用時間兩種定價方式。政府應推動電動汽車共享服務示範運行計畫,鼓勵民眾實際體驗,並在重要車站附近廣設服務據點,提升使用率。


Electric vehicle sharing service (EV-Sharing), also called self-service electric vehicle rental service, which business model is similar to YouBike Bicycle rental service of Taipei city. The features of EV-Sharing include an ICT-based pick-up and return process, intensive service locations and automatic self-service. Hence, EV-Sharing is suitable for short-range, regional tourist or commuter transportation. The market potential of EV-Sharing is huge because it can not only save transportation cost, but also relieve traffic congestion, improve transport efficiency and reduce private car parking demand. The development of EV-Sharing in Taiwan, however, is in the initial stage of cognition and can be regarded as an emerging transportation service. This study aims at exploring EV-Sharing market segmentation and their user characteristic by using factor analysis, cluster analysis and ordered probit model. The results show that EV-sharing market segmentation in Taipei Metropolitan can be divided into four groups: "conservative group", "price-sensitive group"," environmentally friendly group" and "brave to try group". It is also found that "brave to try group" and "environmentally friendly group" are both the target user groups whose characteristics are male with an average monthly income of at NTD$20,000-40,000 and own at least one private car. They are willing to accept the longest walking time and charging time comparing with other two groups. The "brave to try group" has the strongest intention to use EV-Sharing service among four groups, for they favor good electric vehicles with on-board equipments and higher speed.The "environmentally friendly group" will emphasize on actual contributions to environmental protection when they use EV-Sharing service in the future. It is recommended that target markets can be focused on tourism and recreation trips. Pricing by rental period or usage time are also valid. Some EV-Sharing service projects should be deployed and promoted by government to encourage people to experience by themselves. In addition, EV-Sharing service locations should be set near to main railway or bus stations to increase its usage.


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