  • 學位論文


A Case Study of E-moderating Skills and Instructional Strategies in Online Synchronous Instruction

指導教授 : 陳劍涵


在數位時代之中,老師的教與學生的學,早已不限於傳統的面對面教學。線上非同步教學平台如Moodle,與同步教學軟體如JoinNet,都是影響數位時代教與學的產物(李維蔓,2008)。本研究主要探討透過JoinNet實施線上同步教學的帶領技巧和教學策略之研究;線上教師運用線上帶領技巧,引導學生使用線上同步環境學習,與線上教師和其他同學形成互動,並從此環境中產生學習氣氛,習慣於線上同步教學環境,而利用JoinNet中數位白板的功能與學生互動,透過線上同步教學策略或活動,來達成學習目標。本研究採質性研究的方式,從研究者參與線上觀察、文件分析到與線上教師深度訪談等方式,了解線上教師如何運用遊戲或活動等方式,引導學生於線上同步教學中學習,以及線上教師如何運用線上帶領技巧和教學策略。本研究以Salmon(2004)線上教學帶領研究中,所提出五個階段參與和動機(Access and motivation)、線上社會化(Online socialization)、資訊交換(Information exchange)、知識的建構(Knowledge construction)和發展(Development)來探討線上同步教學之帶領技巧和教學策略的發展。本研究結果發現,在線上同步教學中必須要經過線上帶領技巧的應用,才能更一步的產生教學策略的應用,透過使用線上教學環境的熟悉、培養線上學習的氣氛和線上教師與學生的密集互動,這樣的過程讓學生建構起在線上的學習經驗,並透過線上同步教學之教學策略,才建構起學生能真實學習的情境。


In the digital era, teaching and learning are not limited to traditional ways, instead, emerging technologies such as an online asynchronous platform, Moodle, and online synchronous software, JoinNet, and so on are influencing teachers and students in educational settings. This study mainly focuses on online e-moderating skills and synchronous instruction strategies by using JoinNet. Online instructors utilize online e-moderating skills to guide students to be familiar with JoinNet, create activities with students by teaching strategies, and lead students to reach the goal of curriculum. The study adopted qualitative research method by participating in the online courses to do online observations, document analysis, and in-depth interviews to know how online instructors were working through games or activities to guide the students and using online e-moderating skills to generate interactions with students. The study also refers to Salmon’s (2004) framework in online teaching and learning, of that the five phases are access and motivation, online socialization, information exchange, knowledge construction and development. The results of this study are that online synchronous instructors must have e-moderating skills to guide students in online learning, and online instructional strategies is actually generated by online e-moderating skills. Through being familiar with online synchronous environment, bringing up an atmosphere in online courses to produce highly interactions between teacher and students, this e-moderating process constructs positive online learning experience while the online instructional strategies creates an authentic learning environment for students.


