  • 學位論文


The research of LED indoor lighting industry competition in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡信夫
共同指導教授 : 李雅婷


環保意識抬頭與溫室效應的雙重影響下,節能燈具的推行儼然已成為新世代的潮流。而世界各國在推動高效率且具環保之綠色照明亦不遺餘力。在新的光源發展中,LED因具備體積小、耗能低、易調變等多重優點,隨著效率的快速提升,以被世界各國公認為明日光源之一。而LED室內照明的應用產品較不易因為外在環境如潮濕、積水等因素干擾而增加許多售後服務之營運成本與風險,進而吸引許多廠商投入。有效經營成為各廠商主要的課題,亦是本研究之動機。 基於上述背景及動機,本研究目的如下: 一、 探討LED照明業者之產業競爭力的主要影響因素。 二、 檢視LED照明業者主要採行的經營策略。 三、 尋找LED照明業者經營關鍵成功因素。 本研究深入訪談四家廠商後再藉由交叉分析,以市佔率在前兩位者為關鍵成功因素之條件基礎。得到以下結論: • 早期投入業務拓展,客戶較容易開發有成。 • 目標市場客戶群以中、大型領導廠商為佳。 • 以中間之價位較容易滲透市場。 • 產品線完整高且符合客戶需求,品質相對穩定,是重要因素。


It was a new trend to advance the Energy Saving Lighting Bulbs due to the influence of environmental consciousness and greenhouse effect. Also, global countries endeavored to advance the high efficient and environmental green light. In the development of new illuminant, LED is recognized across the world as one of the light source of tomorrow owing to the advantages of small, Low energy, easy optical detuned, and improved efficiency. LED indoor Lighting will not increase the operation cost and risk by interference from humid or slash, and therefore it attracts lots of investors. Efficient management will be the main task for those companies, also the main purpose of this research. Following is the purpose of this study which is on the basis of above-mentioned. 1. To learn the main factors of industry competition among LED indoor lighting industry. 2. To survey the primary strategic management in LED indoor lighting industry. 3. To discover the key success factor of management in LED indoor lighting industry. The research is integrating the interviewed contents from four companies and then analyze by Cross-tabulations to determine the success and fail company by profitability in two consecutive years. The conclusion is below: 1. Sales development was easily efficient in early stage. 2. The medium and large leader clients were the better target market. 3. Entering the market by the medium-end price was easily 4. Key factors are included the completed line, satisfying consumer needs and stable quality.


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