  • 學位論文


The Ideal Home of Single Women

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


本研究最主要的目的在於找尋新時代未婚單身女性有關於「家」的新意義,過去對於傳統「家的意義」,女性受到了許多束縛,但是在現在女性地位、教育、經濟能力不斷提高下,她們對於自己的人生有了新的規劃。本研究著眼於來自不同縣市,但卻遷移到台北市工作的未婚單身女性,從她們經驗當中,更清楚地理解她們對於「家」的想法。這些來離鄉背井的女性,有了另外一個專屬於自己的家,那這個家跟在原生家庭的家以及曾經居住的空間,這種空間的遷移過程中,家的條件是如何建立? 本研究透過家的意義、家的功能、流動的家來分析出家本身所具有的特殊意義,再使用質性研究中的深度訪談法,訪談10位受訪者,從她們對於原生家庭、曾經居住的空間、現在所居住的空間,希望從三者的比較,得到她們對於家的實質、心理形象的建立,找出她們所認為的理想的家。 透過深度訪談以及分析比較,本研究歸納出結論現代的未婚單身女性,對於「家」的想法已經大大的差異於以往傳統對於「家」的觀感了。「家」對於她們這些未婚單身女性而言,是一個放鬆自我,絕對自由的空間,它可以不限至是固定的,只要是她們喜歡的、自由的,那都是家,在她們眼中,「家」不是一種束縛,不是一個固定的地方,她們重新的詮釋她們真正理想的家。


未婚單身女性 理想的家 性別 遷移 空間


The main purpose of this study is to find a new meaning on "home" for unmarried single women in the new era. In the past, facing the traditional conception of home, women were chained a lot of aspect, however, with the continuous improvements of the social status、 education opportunities, and economic capacity, they have new plans now. This study focuses on those unmarried single women who came from different cities or countryside in Taiwan but move to Taipei just for their careers, co that we may understand more clearly their idea of “home” through their own experiences. These women leave their hometowns and have another “new home” of their own. Yet, how are the conditions of this “new home” connected with the original family and the previous living space environment during the process of moving from their hometowns to their new residences? This study analyzes the specific meaning of home through the qualities and functions of home, and then uses qualitative study interviews with 10 subjects, by comparing their original families, their previous living space and their present living environments, in order to figure out their so-called “ideal home”. Through analyses and the deep interviews above, this study comes to a conclusion that for these modern unmarried single women, the notions of home are greatly different from the traditional ones. In their eyes, a “home” is a self-relaxing and absolute free space; it can be mobile, and it is no longer an airtight restraint. They have entirely re-annotated their true and ideal home!


Home unmarried single women the ideal family gender migration spatial


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畢恆達(1996)。已婚婦女的住宅空間體驗,本土心理學研究,6 期,300–352。
陳雅琪 (2007)。台灣地區教育程度別女性初年齡分佈模式。國立政治大學,社會研究所碩士論文。

