  • 學位論文


Exploration of stress and coping methods among kidney transplantation patients

指導教授 : 袁素娟


本研究旨在探討腎移植病患之壓力及壓力處理方式,進而瞭解兩者的相關性及影響因素。研究對象以立意取樣自某醫學中心腎臟科門診之腎移植病患,自97年8月27日至同年9月27日,收案共80名。以結構式問卷收集資料,研究資料以SPSS 14.0統計軟體進行分析。 結果顯示:腎移植患者壓力包括『生理及心理』、『家庭及社交活動』、『工作及日常生活』及『身體心像』四面向,其中『生理及心理』面向以「感染的危險」、「擔心新的腎臟受到傷害」及「害怕排斥問題」得分最高,『家庭及社交活動』面向以「家人處理我健康上的問題」得分最高,『工作及日常生活』面向以「反覆住院」得分最高,『身體心像』面向以「體重增加」得分最高,而『身體心像』為壓力最大者。而腎移植患者主要以「問題導向」的壓力處理方式為主,其中又以「按步就班,處理問題」的分數最高2.11分。其次為「尋找支持」、「孤立自己」、「情緒導向」及「逃避」較少使用。而影響腎移植病患壓力的因素有「年齡」、「經濟狀況」、「宗教信仰」、「移植地點」及「移植造成的疾病」及「自覺健康狀況」;影響腎移植病患壓力處理方式的因素有「性別」、「經濟狀況」及「腎臟來源」等。而腎移植病患之壓力與壓力處理方式呈顯著相關。此結果期能提供護理人員一套完善的腎移植病患照護方法,使病患在面對壓力時能發展適當的調適方法,以提升生活品質。


This study aimed at exploring the stress among patients of kidney transplantation and the method of coping with the stress in order to realize the relation and influence factors. Recruited individuals are intension-sampled from the patients of kidney transplantation from nephrologic clinic at a medical center. Eighty cases were enrolled from August 27, 2008 to September 27, 2008. The data was collected by the structured questionnaire, and was analyzed by SPSS 14.0/PC package software. The results show that the stress in these patients come from physiology and psychology, family and social activity, employment and daily activity, and body image. The highest score of stress in physiology and psychology were post-transplantation infection, another insult of the new kidney and risk of rejection. The highest score of stress in family and social activity was the management of health problems at home. The highest score of stress in employment and daily activity was repetitive hospitalizations. The highest score of stress in body image was weight gain, and body image was the leading stress of all. The major coping methods among all of these patients was problem-oriented, and the highest score of handling things one step by step was 2.11. The following was searching support、self-isolation、emotion-orientation and avoidance. The effects of the stress of kidney transplantation patients were age, economic status, religious belief, and to transplant place, transplant-related disease, and self-awareness of health status. The effect of coping stress methods were gender, economic status and the kidney origin. The stress of these patients and the methods of the stress management assumes significant relationship. We expected to provide nurses one complete nursing care of kidney transplantation. It enables these stressed patients to have proper responsive methods to cope with the stress and promote quality of life.


