  • 學位論文


Relations of dietary habits and lifestyle factors to growth in junior high school students in Nantou

指導教授 : 林以勤


國中為成長發育的重要時期,此階段飲食營養攝取、生活型態及健康相關行為均可能影響成長發育甚至成年期的健康。根據2010年至2012年間「國民營養健康狀況變遷調查」顯示,國中生之蔬菜類和水果類攝取頻率未達每日建議攝取量,尤其山地區者普遍甚低。本研究針對七、八、九年級學生進行自填問卷調查,瞭解個人背景因素與飲食攝取行為、身體活動和生活型態之關聯性,並探討飲食行為、身體活動和生活型態與成長發育的相關性。 本研究於台灣中部南投縣埔里地區某國中在105年學年度上學期開學時由七、八、九年級各抽取四班,中選班級全班學生均為調查對象,並於9-12月間以問卷自填方式收集學生基本資料、飲食行為、生活作息與身體活動情形、個人健康行為之狀況。為了解受試者成長狀況,於同學年度下學期再行後測問卷施測,觀察其生長變化。排除資料不完整的個案後本研究實際收案共178人;每位受試者均須提供由其監護人和本人簽署之同意書。 分析結果顯示,「正向飲食行為」、「負向飲食行為」、「符合飲食攝取建議」此三類型之飲食行為皆無顯著年級差異;性別間差異也皆未達統計顯著性。比較男、女生之身體活動情形可觀察到男生無論在運動天數(p=0.001)、運動時間(p=0.002)、運動類型(p<0.001)均明顯多於女生;處於靜態坐著的時間則是女生高於男生,前、後測均呈顯著性別差異。依年級分組比較飲酒情形,結果顯示九年級之飲酒經驗及飲酒頻率皆與七年級有顯著差異。此外,男生之抽菸經驗及抽菸頻率皆顯著高於女生。在食用健康食品與營養補充劑之行為方面,九年級在維生素B群、葉酸類的攝取一項與七年級有顯著差異。男生組的負向飲食行為和身高、體重呈現顯著相關,與其餘變項或是女生組的所有變項間皆無顯著相關。另外,八或九年級之身高、體重與BMI之前、後測差異均較七年級組為少,依性別分析則顯示女生前、後測的差異均較男生為低。 本研究分析顯示隨著年齡增長,國中青少年之體重及身高均呈現顯著差異。具有原住民與單親身分相對弱勢背景的學生,身高相較於一般生成長狀況較差;外配子女比非外配子女的學生身高成長幅度較高,體重成長幅度較小,BMI呈現負增長。隔天為上學日的就寢時間,「晚上10點前睡」身高成長幅度大於「晚上10~12點睡」之組別。


Adolescence is an important period of growth and development. Dietary intake, lifestyle and health-related behaviors may play critical roles not only in pubertal development but also in adult health. According to the results of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) in 2010-2012, the dietary intake of vegetables and fruits in Taiwanese junior high school students were markedly lower than the current recommendation, and the problem was especially apparent in those aboriginal adolescents. The current study is conducted to investigate the relationships between dietary behaviors, physical activity and lifestyle factors and growth status in junior high school students in central Taiwan. A cluster random sampling scheme was employed to obtain a sample of four classes in each of the 7th, 8th and the 9th grades, which resulted in a total sample of 225 students. Informed consent forms were obtained from all sampled students and their guardians. A self-administered structured questionnaire was provided to each student between September and December, 2016 to obtain the student’s demographic characteristics, dietary behaviors, physical activity, and lifestyle factors. Another follow-up data collection was conducted about 6 months later. Overall, a total of 178 subjects with complete questionnaire data was included in the current analysis. The results showed that there were no significant differences in either "positive dietary behaviors", "negative dietary behaviors" or "dietary intake meeting recommendations", either by gender or by grades. The adolescent boys were significantly different from girls in number of days engaging in exercise per week (p=0.001), amount of time doing exercise (p=0.002), and types of exercise (p <0.001), respectively; the girls appeared to spend more time in sedentary activities than the boy. In addition, the percentages of having smoking experience and frequency of smoking were also higher in boys. There were significant associations between the negative dietary behaviors and height and weight in boys but not in girls. On the other hand, the 9th graders significantly different from the 7th graders in the percentages of having drinking experience, the frequency of drinking, and the percentage of taking supplements of B vitamins. The differences in weight, height, and BMI were smaller in the 8th or 9th graders than in the 7th graders, and in girls than in boys. The results also showed that there were significant differences in the growth of body weight and height by grades. Minority students, such as those who are aboriginal or of single parents, appeared to grow less compared to the general students. The growth in students with foreign parents, however, was significantly different from their native counterparts.


