  • 學位論文


A Pilot Study of Professional Identity and Subjective Happiness among the Students Studying for a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology

指導教授 : 黃淑玲


本研究旨在探討臨床心理學碩士生的專業認同現況以及影響專業認同的相關因素,並初探專業認同與主觀幸福感之關係。本研究以教育部認定可考臨床心理師專業證照之臨床心理所具有學籍、22-60歲之碩士生,共計13所碩士班學生為研究對象,採用自編問卷進行調查研究。並輔以質性晤談結果協助編製專業認同量表。本研究有效問卷為277份,問卷回收率67.5%。資料以SPSS 18.0版套裝統計軟體進行分析,以平均數描述臨床心理學碩士生的專業認同及主觀幸福感程度;以探索性因素分析(Exploratory Factor Analysis)進行量表刪題;採用t檢定、變異數分析來檢驗個人相關背景資料在專業認同及主觀幸福感之差異;以皮爾森相關分析(Pearson Correlation)檢視個人相關背景資料、專業認同、主觀幸福感之相關情形;以線性迴歸分析(Multiple Linear Regression Analysis)檢驗專業認同及主觀幸福感的影響因子。 質性晤談結果顯示促進專業認同的因子有三:(1)不論是見、實習或進研究所前的臨床心理相關工作,實際接觸臨床心理學專業,並且將書本所學的知識應用在與個案的互動之中、(2)他人對臨床心理學專業持正向的態度、以及(3)更加瞭解臨床心理學專業的相關知識。同時也發現三個阻礙專業認同的主要因子:(1)擔憂未來將臨床心理師次專科化的制度下未有完善的配套措施、(2)擔憂在未來的工作場域上無法發揮所長,並且可發揮的場域縮小、(3)薪資與付出不成比例。 問卷調查結果顯示臨床心理學碩士生的專業認同屬於中上程度;「有無認同對象」、「目前對臨床心理專業是否非常感興趣」、「自覺臨床心理工作內涵與自己個性的適配程度」,以及「不論臨床心理師的待遇如何(如薪資、員工福利、退休等),我仍然喜愛這個專業」四個變項為顯著的影響因子。其中,迴歸結果得知除了「有無認同對象」外,其餘三個變項在預測專業認同程度上皆達顯著統計水準。 臨床心理學碩士生的主觀幸福感程度偏低,而專業認同與主觀幸福感呈微弱 正相關。在迴歸分析結果中,僅「目前對臨床心理學專業是否非常感興趣」及「自覺臨床心理工作內涵與自己個性的適配程度」可顯著預測碩士生的主觀幸福感程度。 總之,本研究發現臨床心理學碩士生的專業認同屬於中上程度,對臨床心理學專業非常感興趣、自覺自己個性與臨床心理工作內涵具適配性,以及喜愛臨床心理學專業等都是專業認同的重要預測因子。而有無認同對象在專業認同上雖具有顯著差異,但在迴歸中的影響性統計顯著性消失,推論可能是認同對象的影響已內化成個人對專業的感興趣程度、喜好程度與自覺適配的程度。而臨床心理學碩士生的主觀幸福感偏低,是值得關注的議題。且主觀幸福感與專業認同的相關不高,顯示可能有其他重要的影響因子,建議未來研究作進一步探討。上述結果,期能作為臨床心理學界在培訓臨床心理師時的參考依據。


This study aimed to investigate the status and related factors of professional identity in the students studying for a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, and to explore the relationship between professional identity (PI) and subjective well-being (SW). The study adopted both a qualitative and a cross-sectional quantitative study designs. In total, five students were interviewed in depth and 278 students were recruited in the quantitative study. The information from the qualitative study displayed some favorable factors and disadvantage factors for graduate students to develop PI. These factors would be compiled in the part of PI in the questionnaire. The questionnaire including questions regarding PI, SW, and personal data was distributed to the participants. The results from the quantitative study showed the average of PI was at a high-intermediate level. The demographic variables did not show significant effects on PI. The extent of PI was different by having someone(s) to identify with, the extent of being interested in clinical psychology, the extent of the fitness for the career, and the extent of loving the profession regardless of salary. The latter three variables still showed significant effects on PI by regression analysis. The results showed the average of SW was at a poor level in the participants. The positive correlation between PI and SW was limited (r=013, p<.05). The findings from regression analysis indicated that only the extent of being interested in clinical psychology and the extent of the fitness for the career, but not the extent of PI, showed the effects on SW. In summary, graduate students in clinical psychology had a high-intermediate level of PI. However, their low level of SW should be concerned indeed. The extent of being interested in clinical psychology and the extent of the fitness for the career were important indicators for PI and SW. Further studies on these issues are recommended.


