  • 學位論文


Safety and shelf life assessment of hospital meals prepared with cook-chill technique

指導教授 : 陳曉鈴


台灣醫院使用多年的傳統團體膳食供膳模式:烹煮熱食供應(cook-hot-service),製備程序繁瑣且常有準時出餐的壓力;西方國家醫院採行的冷餐供應系統:烹煮速涼供應(cook-chill-serve),則簡化作法為中央廚房統一烹調後,利用速涼設備將食物於90分鐘內降溫到4℃以下,並將食物妥善保存於4℃環境,供應前予以適當加熱;應用冷餐供應系統可提高患者餐食選擇性及降低廚房因應準時供膳壓力的優點。 本研究旨在探討速涼科技製備之冷餐在食品供應之衛生安全及食品保存性。本實驗選取彰化基督教醫院供膳菜單中最常供應的菜式五種(白飯、三杯雞、咖哩豆腐、炒A菜、滷海帶捲),分別比較其速涼當天現煮和速涼第三天、第五天、第七天及速涼復熱第七天食物達中心溫度75℃的微生物培養檢測,檢測項目包括:總生菌數、大腸桿菌、大腸桿菌群;另由18位彰化基督教醫院的員工針對這五種菜式,分別就食品口感、風味、外觀顏色、整體喜好性以嗜好評分試驗法(Hedonic Rating Scale)進行當天現煮和速涼冷餐第三天、第五天及第七天復熱的食品官能性評估。 結果顯示:這五種菜式的菌相檢驗分析,速涼冷餐至第七天復熱仍合乎微生物之檢驗標準(總生菌數<1.0×105 CFU/g、大腸桿菌為陰性、大腸桿菌群<1.0×103 CFU/g),(1)總生菌數:五種菜式隨著速涼存放天數的增加而遞增,經過充分加熱至75℃後,生菌數會減少;說明速涼產品放置七天總生菌數會明顯增生,統計上達顯著差異(p<0.05)。(2)大腸桿菌結果呈現陰性。(3)大腸桿菌群均<1.0×101 CFU/g。食品官能性評估:五種食物樣品分別比較當天現煮和復熱速涼第三天、第五天及第七天的外觀顏色、風味、口感(質地)、整體喜好分析的結果可知:炒A菜在速涼復熱第三天的風味比當天現煮顯著的較佳(p<0.05)。三杯雞復熱速涼第五天、第七天與當天現煮的外觀顏色相比顯著較差(p<0.05),尤其以第七天的評分最低,代表外觀顏色難被大眾接受。白飯、咖哩豆腐,比較當天現煮和速涼復熱第三天、第五天、第七天的外觀顏色、風味、口感(質地)、整體喜好皆無顯著差異。當天現煮的滷海帶捲其外觀顏色、風味、口感(質地)、整體喜好和速涼復熱第七天相比顯著較差(p<0.05)。綜合上述的結果,若要兼顧食品衛生安全及食物外觀、風味,建議速涼產品的保存期限為五天。


Traditional of hospitals foodservices system cook-hot-service in Taiwan for many years,the preparation procedures are very complicated and on time pressure of the meal.The Western countries of hospital adopted the cook-chill-service and simplify the practice unified central kitchen cooking equipment chill food within 90 minutes to cool down to 4°C and the food is properly stored at 4°C of the environment. The supply shall be properly heated; the application of cook-chill-service system to improve patient meals selectivity and reduce the advantages of the kitchen should be on time service. This study aimed to explore the chill preparation of the buffet in the health and safety of the food service and food preparation, and is expected to buffet supply system up to health and safety standards in the hospital meal preparation, and will not affect food functional and customer satisfaction. In our study, five kinds of the most common service Changhua Christian Hospital, menu is rice, chicken, tofu, vegetable and kelp compare its the day of cook fresh and chill on the 3rd, 5th, 7th d of th reheat e 7th d and the complex, reheat food to the temperature of 75° C, microbial culture tests, test items include: total viable count,E. coli,coliforms;another of 18 Changhua christian hospital staff for the five menu respectively on food taste, flavor,color and overall preference the cook fresh day and reheat chill on the 3rd, 5th, 7th d of food assessment by Hedonic Rating Scale. The results showed : the microbiological testing of these five kinds of menus, and chill to the 7th d is still maintain standards (total viable count <1.0 × 105 CFU/g, E. coli negative, coliforms <1.0 × 103 CFU/g ). (1) The total viable count: five kinds of menus with the chill storage the days to increase, chill rehated to 75°C , the number of bacteria will reduce; chill the product to storage on the 7th days the total viable count significantly increased.(p<0.05) (2) E. coli results were negative. (3) coliforms <1.0×101 CFU/g. Functional assessment of the food: cook fresh from the five food samples were relatively the day and chill reheat on the 3rd, 5th, 7th d of the color,flavor,texture and overall analysis.The result were shows:vegetables of chill reheat on the 3rd d of the flavor better than the cook fresh is significant (p <0.05), especially the highest score of the 3rd d of the flavor. The chicken chill reheat on the 3rd, 5th, 7th d and cook fresh of the appearance compared to significantly less (p <0.05), especially the 7th d of the lowest ratings,the appearance of color is difficult to be popular acceptable. Rice and tofu comparing the cook fresh and chill reheat on the 3rd, 5th, 7th days of the color, flavor, taste texture and the overall were no significant differences. Summary is recommended the shelf life of the cook chill products for five days.


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