  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying WAMP Technology to Information System of Construction Supervision

指導教授 : 陳水龍 張哲豪


電腦資訊與網路科技發展迅速,如何掌握與應用資訊已是營造業重要的課題之一。營造業在掌握資訊的課題上,可分為主辦機關、設計監造單位與承攬廠商等三種角色,其中因為成本上的考量,小型的監造單位往往較少有資訊系統的開發與應用。 傳統的監造作業模式內容未能即時分享,造成管控上的困難。往往監造人員派駐在外,對監造單位而言,有「鞭長莫及」無法監督之情形發生。倘若工程有接到上級單位之施工查核的要求時,每每在施工查核所需的文件準備耗費時日。此時,如能量身定做以使用者為監造單位的監造作業管理資訊系統,透過網際網路的即時傳輸,將可建構一個資源分享的監造資訊網路脈絡,有助於提昇監造作業效率,進而並可彙整及統計監造作業之所有文件內容,以符工程施工查核作業實際需求。 有鑑於此,本研究設定使用者對象為小型的監造單位。針對小型的公共工程中,探討監造單位之監造作業管理資訊系統建置的可行方式。研究中應用WAMP技術,也就是在Windows作業平台下,開放原始碼的網站伺服器Apache與網路資料庫MySQL以及網路程式語言PHP之組合技術,來開發設計監造作業網路程式系統。並用工程施工查核作業做為實作與測試之對象,評估系統建置前後監造單位之執行監造作業效益問題。


Owing to the rapid development of computer information and network technology, how to process and use information has become one of the important subjects in construction business. There are three roles playing in the processing information of public construction, namely, proprietor, designer and supervisor, and constructor. Because of cost-benefit concern, a small-scale supervisor company is less likely to develop information systems and related applications. Traditionally, the content of construction supervision is not shared immediately, causing it difficult for a supervisor company to exercise control on its subordinates. For example, when a supervisor works on a remote site, the supervisor company cannot supervise the tasks efficiently because of the long-distance feedback. Besides, very often it will take a long time to prepare required documents for the public construction surveillance from the government. Therefore, it would be necessary for a supervisor company to deploy a management information system of construction supervision. Through instant transmissions of communication network, supervisors could share resources instantly. The supervisor company can improve the efficiency of construction supervision, and can collaborate on all documents of supervisory tasks to satisfy the actual demand of the public construction surveillance. Based on the aforementioned observations, we target at small-scale supervisor companies in this thesis. Specifically, we study a feasible deployment of management information system of construction supervision for a small-scale public construction. We propose to apply WAMP technology, Windows-based web server infrastructure via Apache, MySQL, and PHP, to develop a webpage programming system. In addition, we choose the public construction surveillance to evaluate the cost and benefit of deploying management information system of construction supervision.


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