  • 學位論文


Employ Consistent User Interface and Mental Model in Common Use Self Service (CUSS)

指導教授 : 黃子坤


為應付未來旅客不斷增長的需求,在世界主要機場開始實行由國際航空運輸協會(IATA)推廣的旅客自助報到系統(Common Use Self-service Check-in Kiosk),簡稱為CUSS。CUSS最大功效就是將多家航空公司的報到系統整合在同一機台,讓使用者可以順利且快速轉換不同航空公司的報到系統。然而,各家航空公司所設計的介面在操作步驟和畫面配置等並不一致,且不盡符合使用者的心智模式(mental model),經常造成使用者操作困難。 本研究在IATA的CUSS實施指南規定基礎下,藉由台灣主要航空公司的自助報到現況分析與使用者觀察,探討旅客操作CUSS介面的一致性。以精靈介面(wizard interface)的操作流程及介面一致性配置方式為基礎,符合使用者心智模式為訴求規劃CUSS介面設計的準則:(1)步驟設定為8個,具備上一頁、下一頁和離開的按鍵。(2)考慮圖像的形狀辨視,將觸碰按鍵類比模擬實體按鍵,外框的陰影讓視覺上突出於螢幕本體,所有頁面中主要的「點選按鍵」為一致性的圓角方形;「上一頁」、「下一頁」按鍵,分成不同形狀的群組,以箭頭的圖像進行轉化。(3)所有按鍵大小每邊應該至少有10mm的寬度。最後透過專家評估所設計的CUSS介面樣本,並進行改善;而根據樣本所修改成的中華航空及長榮航空的介面,也得到航空公司服務人員的肯定。具有介面一致性與符合使用者心智模式的CUSS介面,經驗證可以達到介面的易用性與易學性,並且在旅客在轉換不同航空公司報到時,會具有熟悉感並降低錯誤率與使用時間。


In order to response to demand of increasing passengers, some major airports have executed Common Use Self-service Check-in Kiosk (CUSS) promoted by IATA. The effectiveness of CUSS is to integrate all airline systems in the same machine, that allows passengers to access multiple airlines check-in from one machine efficiently, and avoids long queue at specific airline service counter. However, the page configuration and screens layout of“wizard user interface” by different airlines are not consistent, and do not perfectly match to user's mental model. Based on the existing guidelines of Wizard interface and context analysis of users’ mental model, a set of layout patterns and entities attributes were defined for improving design of “wizard” pages. Consistent shape and graphic details of buttons were defined, while proper sizes and locations of buttons and text instructions were given. Consequently, a prototype of CUSS was designed following above principles and then developed into two CUSS systems with various company images which are of China Airlines and EVA Airways. Finally, CUSS systems for two airlines were consulted by usability experts and airlines service staffs, and then modified. As a result, the application of consistent user interface in common use self service system not only benefits to usability of the wizard user interface, but also accommodates passengers to the operation of different airlines check-in system.


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