  • 學位論文


A Study on the Recheck Mechanism of the Declaration Institutions for Public Safety Check of Buildings –The Example of Hypermarket in Taipei County

指導教授 : 彭光輝


建築物公共安全檢查關係著人民生命財產的保護,從民國84年修正建築法第77條的規定,及民國85年發佈「建築物公共安全檢查簽證及申報辦法」,導入「民間開放」的公共安全檢查簽證申報制度,取代過去由建築主管機關主動檢查,對於主管建築機關改善建築物使用管理的人員行政效率、經費不足等問題是一重要的變革。然而在建築物大型化及高層化的趨勢下,安檢申報制度對於公共安全防災的成效是否提升,如以民國90年汐止「東方科學園區」、92年蘆洲「大囍市」及93年林口「九如大賣場」發生大火的慘痛經驗,安檢管理制度確有再檢討的必要。 建築物的公共安全檢查涉及防火避難設施及設備的建築防災專業技術,執行申報專業檢查人除需諳複雜的相關法規正確執行檢查工作外,更須申報人切實配合。政府部門在實施申報後複查時,往往因缺乏統一的執行規範以及人力、技術、經費資源的侷限下,造成公安複查督導的管理問題。 本研究藉由案例調查及專家訪談,分析、歸納公安檢查申報制度與複查執行狀況的課題,試從法規面、執行面及管理面探討行為人的管理策略,研擬制度改善的建議,包括鼓勵申報人自治自責、開放民間組織參與、風險管理、加強教育宣導等政策手段,以建立合理的公安檢查複查機制,達到建築物公安管理之目的。


The examination of public safety of buildings is concerning the protection of human lives and properties. Since the amendment of construction law on code 77 and the announcement of “the act of application for the examination of public safety of buildings” in 1996, the “self declaration” of public safety examination of buildings has replaced the automatic examination by the government agencies. This is an important innovation step to the improvements of administration efficiencies and the lack of sufficient funding. However, as the trend of higher buildings and massive constructions continue to increase, the efficacy of the self declaration system has been an issue that requires further consideration and re-examination, in particular in light of the fire tragedies such as “the East Science Park” that took place in 2001, the “Big Happy City” in 2003, and the “Joe-Ju Big Super Market” in 2004. The examination of public safety of buildings involves expertise on fire prevention, facilities and equipments. Self-declaration system needs to meet lengthy regulations or relevant building codes. And, government agencies must take recheck action to ensure public safety of buildings. However, lack of manpower, unified guideline, technique and budget results in crucial management deficiency and monitoring problem. The current situation and the effectiveness of recheck system was evaluated through case survey and experts’ interviewing. Government regulations, performance capability and management strategy were discussed. Encouragement of self-responsibility of declaimer, emphasis of risk management and strengthening of public safety education were concluded to achieve the goal of effective management of public safety.


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