  • 學位論文


The Application of RFID Sensor to Investigate the Environmental Factors Influencing of Shelf Life for Agricultural Products

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


在後WTO時代,須提升台灣水果之國際競爭力,政府提出許多針對性政策與措施,頗有成效。根據農委會在100年農業統計要覽的資訊中顯示出出農林漁牧主要農產品產量中[39],水果類農產品是近年來成長幅度最大的項目,民國100年度出口量創20年來新高,產量達2,797,734公噸。 台灣位處溫帶及亞熱帶地區,農產品外銷需要輔以先進的冷鏈物流技術,政府更在2013年開始推行的傳統產業維新方案中,計畫將大力推動與冷鏈有關的保鮮溯源物流服務計畫,期望成為MIT水果在國際行銷上一大助力[39]。 目前冷鏈物流已對物流環境進行完整的監視,但在實務過程中還是有5°C的溫差,而溫差範圍在3°C以內的時間佔總時間的85%以上[6]。由此可知實務過程中還是有環境因素的干擾,本研究利用RFID感應器瞭解環境因素對番石榴貨架壽命的影響,結合RFID與SQL自動化紀錄並建構資料庫,最後利用倒傳遞類神經發展出一套貨架壽命預測模型,並比較最陡坡降法、動量批次最陡坡降法及Levenberg-Marquardt(LM)三種不同訓練函數之貨架壽命預測模型,發現使用LM函數搭配相關參數能獲得表現較好的預測模型。 目前台灣官方與民間已有不少組織採用RFID農產品履歷,若能結合本研究成果,使RFID農產品履歷不僅能掌握產品來源,更進一步了解冷鏈運送後之產品貨架壽命並提高RFID農產品履歷的附加價值。


貨架壽命 RFID 倒傳遞類神經 冷鏈


While Taiwan’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2002 had to improve the international competitiveness of Taiwan fruits and after government targeted exports to strategic, the results have been encouraging. According to Agricultural Statistics for 2011 of Council of Agriculture, the value of fruit category exports got greatest growth recently and the value of exports was 2,797,734 tonnes in 2011 Because Taiwan geography location, the agricultural products were trasported by cold chain logistics and Taiwan launched an official reform program for traditional industries in 2013 which will vigorously promote the preservation and traceability of the cold chain logistics during it. Most perishable food was delivered and trasported by cold chain logistics, although it adapated a complete environment monitoring, but it still got 5°C temperature difference with pratice in Taiwan[3][7] and it took 85% time of overall process within 3°C temperature range. It can be seen from the practice, there were some interferences from environmental factors. The purpose of this study is understands the interferences from environmental factors in practice process by RFID sencor tags with SQL then develops a predicte model of shelf life with back-propagation neural algorithm. In this study, it compares the performerce among difference train function as Steepest Descent Method, Steepest Descent Method with momentum and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), then the Levenberg-Marquardt train function with relevant parameters get a best performerce in finale. RFID food traceability system could not only control production origins but understand their shelf life after cold chian logistic. It increased the added value of RFID traceability system if they can combine the results of this study.


Shelf life RFID backpropagation neural cold chain


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