  • 學位論文


Implemented Strategies and Results of Taipei City Government on Promoting Road Improvement Work

指導教授 : 陳水龍


臺北市政府為提供平整安全的道路,並建立健全之道路維護管理機制,針對道路路基改善、路面銑鋪更新、人手孔蓋調整、維生管線挖掘管制等要項,收集國內外相關道路鋪築工法及養護管理方法,以專案管理模式推動道路改善的「路平專案」,並就推動過程彙整並探討相關執行策略,期能作為日後各道路主管機關對於轄管市區道路提供有效的路面更新技術與管理手法參循使用,以提升市區道路服務品質。 平坦度指標係用來量化描述鋪面的績效和品質,其中國際糙度指標(IRI)為道路平坦度的國際通用的指標。本研究係針對臺北市政府「路平專案」於98~99年度已完工道路作為研究範圍,並以IRI實地檢測驗證法及運用統計分析法分析比較,其結果顯示路平前IRI值主要分佈於3m/㎞至9m/㎞,平均5.91m/㎞,路平後IRI值主要分佈於2m/㎞至5m/㎞,平均3.84m/㎞,表示受測路段IRI值呈現下降趨勢,顯示實施「路平專案」後對於提升道路平坦度有顯著之成效;另外輔以統計分析路面人手孔蓋減量齊平成果、路面養護情形、國賠案件成案等資料,作為推動路平專案相關實際成果之展現。最後並提供路平專案後續管理精進策略建議作為,期能延續鋪面品質改善成效,以提升道路使用年限及行車舒適性。


Taipei City Government has launched the 「Road Improvement Work」 project to provide a safer road, and to establish a better road management system for Taipei. The project focuses on road base improvement; road surface milling renewal; manhole cover adjustment and Life-lines mining control, collect and organize road construction methods as well as alternative options and implementation strategies from within Taiwan and from international sources. The project, empowered by project management, is expected to carry out road improvement project along with promotion of process compilation and discuss related implementation strategies for future use as testimonial supporting road competent authorities managing their governing city roads; thus to improve the quality. Flatness Index is used to quantitatively illustrate pavement’s performance and quality, in which International Roughness Index (IRI) represents the standard to road flatness internationally. This research aims at roads that were completed under the project: Taipei City Government promoting Road Improvement Work. In 2009 and 2010, it applied IRI examination method and statistical analysis to analyze and compare road flatness rate. The result shows that IRI statistics at between 3m/km to 9m/km; average of 5.91m/km before the project, and 2m/km to 5m/km; average of 3.84m/km after the project. Changes in numbers above indicate declining IRI, which also represents the significant effectiveness done by the great effort of the project. Then its follow ups produce a Strategic Implementation Plan to Better Road Improvement Work Management, and to provide a specific proposal in recommending strategic advancement to the road improvement work, in order to increase road life time and to provide comfort driving experience.


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