  • 學位論文


Design of an Ecological Patio for National Taipei niversity of Technology Design Hall

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


人不論生理與心理都具有親近自然的天性,人應與自然協調的結合在一起。在都市化的過程中,由於快速發展造成人造環境過度,而導致自然銳減的狀況,使得都市中的人無法獲得足夠接觸自然的機會。 露台是建築物中人可與戶外環境接近的中介空間,建構生態露台可以作為人工與自然良性互動之空間,營造與自然融合共存的環境。生態露台的設置必須先由教育單位著手進行設計與推廣,以作為正確的教育宣導。 本研究藉由探討生態景觀、休閒體驗、教學空間等議題,歸納出生態露台設計原則,並以「國立台北科技大學設計館露台」作為操作基地,將生態露台設計原則應用至實質環境,創造一個非制式的生態教學場所,以期能提供生態露台規劃設計之參考。 本研究經探討相關文獻後歸納出22項設計原則,再依據原則提出五大構想為:持續未知的多重知覺刺激、無限空間與永恆時間的蔓延、清晰可見的複雜脈絡關係、多重而極致的詮釋與利用、容錯式的互動參與。 由以上推論所構成之空間情境為:沁入綠色生命力、滄海之一粟。最終生態露台之定義則為「都市生態夢之虛擬實境」,期望以上生態露台設計之探討與案例操作,對於後續進行生態環境設計之議題研究與實作提供參考。


Physically and mentally, man has the natural tendency to draw near to nature. Man needs to stay in harmony with nature. In the process of urbanization, rapid development results in overly expansion of man-made environment and severe shrinkage of natural environment. Urban residents are deprived of the opportunity to stay in contact with nature. Patio is an intermediate space of a building through which people make contact with external environment. An ecological patio can serve as a space for benevolent interaction and harmonious coexistence of man-made and natural environment. The establishment of an ecological patio requires the involvement of education agency in design and promotion so it can be properly introduced. This study identifies principles for patio design through exploration of issues such as ecological landscapes, recreational experiences and teaching space. The patio of National Taipei University of Technology Design Hall is selected as the operational site for application of ecological patio design principles to physical environment, and for creation of an informal ecology education site, so it may serve as a reference for planning and design of ecological patios. Through review of related literatures this study identifies 22 design principles and based on these principles present 5 concepts: 1. Multiple sensory stimulations that are continuous and unknown; 2. Extension of infinite space and perpetual time; 3. Involved relations that can be clearly identified; 4. Multiple, ultimate interpretation and utilization; 5. Error-tolerant interaction and participation. Space situations formed out of the deductions above are: 1. Infiltration of green power of life; 2. We are but an insignificant part of the infinite universe. The ecological patio is ultimately defined as “a virtual situation of an urban ecological dream.” It is the author’s earnest hope that the discussion and case manipulation pertinent to design of an ecological patio may serve as a reference for related endeavor in the future.


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