  • 學位論文


The Eye-Tracking Based Interactive Control Interface Used to Manipulate Assistance Platform

指導教授 : 陳彥霖


近年來,在電腦視覺在人臉偵測已成為基本的技術,現在進而研發創新使用人眼偵測、到人眼控制介面的發展與應用。人機介面已從基本的滑鼠、鍵盤輸入,進展為生物特徵控制,未來將可以更廣泛地應用於電子科技產品。在本篇研究的是基於人眼的人機互動控制介面,人眼要透過CMOS或CCD攝影機,執行人眼追蹤(Eyetracking)來將人眼動作:人眼偵測、眼睛眨眼、移動取代為滑鼠的動作,成為使用人眼就可達到移動、按下滑鼠的功能,來進行使用者介面操作、減低設備依賴性。未來將可研究與深入發展此介面技術創新為更流暢並且應用於產品上、提供給身障者或是汽車駕駛使用,比如:汽車輪椅輔具、防瞌睡、防撞駕駛系統。 人眼控制介面實現在QT GUI介面,視訊開啟後開始人臉偵測、人眼偵測並在之後將人眼所產生的控制資訊,透過網路傳給ERS自走車,控制自走車移動並得到回傳資訊。測試介面經過有實驗及各種狀況都能夠確實抓到人眼並進行介面操控。在未來仍需要改進一些議題,另有眨眼的準確判斷率、系統反應速率、演算法效能增加,以期待可以應用於各樣不同作業系統與硬體平台。


In recent years, human face detection has become a basic technology in the computer vision field. Many researchers and the human eye to achieve to human eye control interface in development and application.The human-machine interfaces (HMI) have already changed from basic I/O, such as: mouse and, keyboard, biometric control, and these new interfaces are widely used in electronic products. In this thesis, the proposed system is based on the human eye control interface for human -computer interaction techniques. The human eye through features can be detected by a CMOS or CCD Camera to perform eye tracking process that determine the human eye actions, ex eye motions, and eye blinks can replace the mouse clicks mouse movements to provide more natural ways for human-computer interactions.


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