  • 學位論文


Development of knee-type laser cueing apparatus for Parkinson's disease patient and stride calculation

指導教授 : 蕭俊祥


帕金森氏病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)患者常有靜止行顫抖、步態凍結、步態不穩等問題,容易影響日常生活功能,當PD患者發生步態凍結事件時,如何即時幫助提醒患者再次行走,是本文研究課題,主要目的在設計開發對帕金森氏病患者輔助行走之護膝型雷射提醒裝置。在市面上已有針對手杖結合視覺提醒的產品設計,但是大多數PD患者尚未需要使用手杖等助行器,另外其視覺提醒產品步距皆固定,因此本研究考量便利性、攜帶性及適合性,而研究設計可結合護膝的雷射裝置,利用視覺的提醒並且可調步距作裝置的開發設計,裝置能夠有效即時的給予提醒,在需求時能給予PD患者幫助。 本研究裝置設計利用腳底開關與單晶片以及加速計做溝通判斷控制,本裝置當PD患者有所需時,透過腳底開關傳至護膝型雷射裝置裡的單晶片裡,接著在PD患者腳前方打出雷射光線,提醒PD患者跨過此雷射光線,使PD患者能順利前進行走,亦可透過步進馬達控制雷射燈頭,調整所需之步距;另外,本研究利用加速計搭配腳底開關,作步距演算及FOG偵測,將所走之距離及步頻,透過藍芽即時傳至電腦觀看,判斷其步態情形;先前研究步態參數有步頻、步速的演算顯示,現在增加步距演算開發,使步態參數顯示更完整。 目前本研究裝置視覺提醒成效,經由實際帕金森患者測試,具有一定的成效。帕金森患者使用本研究裝置,能將原實驗路徑行走時間由40~60秒降為20~30秒,步數由50-70步降為18-30步;帕金森患者透過視覺輔助,減緩小碎步、步態凍結等相關問題,將可在更進一步研究,更有效減緩帕金森患者步態不穩的問題。


PD patients often have motionless tremor, freezing of gait, gait instability problems and so on, which are prone to affect the function of daily life. When freezing of gait occurs on PD patients, how to immediately help patients to remind themselves to walk again is the research project of this thesis, and the main goal is to develop a kneepad style laser reminding device for PD patients to assist walking. In markets there has been some products designed for walking stick combined with visual reminding, but most PD patients do not need to use walking sticks as walking helper and additionally that pace distance of the visual reminding products is fixed, as a result in this research we consider the convenience, portability and adaptability and then do research to design the laser device which can combine with kneepads. We utilize visual reminding and adjustable pace distance to develop and design the device and this device can effectively give reminding immediately and give assistance when PD patients are in need. This device utilize switch of sole, single chip, and accelerator to control communication and adjudgement. When PD patients are in need, through the conveyance of switch of sole to single chip of kneepad laser device followed by shooting laser beam in front of the feet of PD patients to remind them cross over this laser beam and allow PD patients to walk forward smoothly, it can also through the stepper motor to control the light head of laser and adjust the pace distance in demand. Additionally, this research utilize accelerators combined with switches of sole to calculate pace distance and detect the FOG, and immediately convey the walking distance and frequency to computer by blue-tooth to see and adjudge that pace situation.


step adjustment stride calculations


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