  • 學位論文

高齡化社會之無障礙衛浴環境研究- 以德國與台灣老人安養機構為例

Barrier Free Sanitary Environment in an Aging Society- A Case Study by Care Older Center of Germany and Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭傅儒


近年來台灣快速的社會變遷所造成人口結構改變的事實,以及根據聯合國所定義的65歲以上為高齡者之標準,早於一九九三年台灣高齡人口占7%就已經是「高齡化社會aging-society」了,預估至二0二一年占14%台灣將邁入「高齡社會aged-society」。 高齡所面臨的生理與心理老化現象是人一生生命的必經過程,因此居家環境品質的優劣好壞對於高齡者的生活作息將有很深刻影響。尤其在住宅空間中,「衛浴環境」是實現個人衛生與健康的最重要場所,但是「衛浴」同時卻是高齡者最容易發生意外事故的首要環境肇因,因此,如何因應高齡化社會並重視高齡者的生活住宅環境已經成為台灣所必須正視的重大老人社會福利。 本研究以具有行動自主,但卻因高齡生理退化而無法常態使用衛浴環境與設備為主要研究對象。透過文獻探討、參訪、專家訪談等方式,探討如何提高齡者一個安全又舒適的衛浴環境為主要目標,實際調查德國先進完善的老人安養機構空間環境,專訪德國無障礙空間專業建築師,比較德國與台灣之老人安養機構衛浴為重點,探討在東西方人文民情互有相異的前提下,適用台灣高齡者無障礙衛浴環境規範,透過嚴謹又完備的德國標準DIN 18025第一部與第二部「無障礙住宅」比較分析德國與台灣公民營相對的老人安養機構衛浴環境的優缺,最後明確建構一個全適性的無障礙空間衛浴環境、空間、設備的基本理論與實際。 當住宅空間改建或新建築規劃時,讓高齡者實現一個住得安心、住得舒適的無障礙安養生活環境,除了學習自主自立的滿意之外,保障最佳安全防護,防止意外傷害事故,可以促進家庭的和樂,增進社會的和諧,進而朝向禮運大同篇謂之「老有所終」的大同世界。


In the last few years, the changing society of Taiwan has brought about similar changes to the population structure. Based on the standard by World Health Organization, people who are over 65 years of age are considered “elderly.” Taiwan became an “elderly society” several years ago, and it's getting older each year. Everyone will have to face the period in life when their body and mind begin to wane, so the quality of the living environment strongly influences an elderly person's quality of life. A sanitary environment is a basic necessity, but, based on research, the elderly are more likely to have an accident in a sanitary environment. Therefore, creating a safe living space for the elderly has become one of difficult problems that we to face today. For this reason, it is necessary to think about how we should provide a safe, sanitary environment for people in this elderly era. The point of this research is to compare the sanitary environments of rest-homes in Germany and Taiwan. The objects of the research are elderly people who live alone and whose body functions have degenerated so that they find it difficult to use sanitary equipment. The research was done by studying records and by visiting rest-homes and specialists, then sorting through the information collected, to decide if there are some ideas which can be used for designing a sanitary environment for the elderly in Taiwan, after comparing two countries with different cultures. The discovery we made from research is that, other than environment and life differences which require different equipment, all elderly people have similar problems with their degrading bodies, therefore our reference materials have some merit across cultures. We also definitely found that the biggest difference between elderly people who live in German and Taiwanese rest-homes is their state of mind. It is important to have an environment where the elderly feel at home, relaxed and cheerful in order for them to have a positive attitude towards life. This is what our government and community must work hard to achieve.


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馬禎娸(2017)。住宅衛浴空間的使用行為分析 以環境心理觀點〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700578
