  • 學位論文


Material Flow Analysis and Impact Assessment of Mercury in Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


汞為全球列管之有毒物質之ㄧ,其污染問題也一直為全球環保議題之焦點,主要原因是汞除了含有劇毒性之外,並具有生物累積之特性,對環境及人體所造成的衝擊都極為嚴重。但汞至今仍然廣泛應用於全世界各種產業、產品、製程以及一些藥物中。然而,為降低汞在經濟活動中產生對環境圈之危害,與掌握汞在經濟活動中之流佈與環境宿命。故本研究透過台灣地區汞之物質流佈分析,並結合生命週期衝擊評估方法,分析與探討台灣地區汞之物質流佈資料庫架構及環境特徵化衝擊因子之量化結果,研究結果可做為擬定汞之生命週期管理的參考依據,並對於國內汞之管理策略與管制措施上能給予適當的建議。 本研究結果顯示,台灣本島並無汞礦之開採,開採部分均為含汞相關之原物料,其開採量只有392公斤,因此含汞原物料主要仰賴進口,2009年總汞進口量約為6,557,518公斤、總出口量為3,403,015公斤。環境圈中汞的污染排放主要以空氣、水體及土壤三種。在計算上亦考慮到含汞之事業廢棄物申報、回收再利用及境外處理部分,結果顯示汞之空氣總排放約1,515公斤、水體排放約20.24公斤、土壤含汞量約2,306公斤;而汞之廢棄物申報部分約有335公斤,投入到回收再利用階段之汞約0.047公斤,經由境外處理部分約有92公斤;另外,汞之淨累積量為3,150,962公斤。 由生命週期評估汞之環境衝擊中點特徵化與終點特徵化兩個方法之結果,都顯示於水體部份之衝擊量是較小的。汞對環境影響主要還是以中點特徵化後空氣部份以及終點特徵化後土壤部分之衝擊量較大,因此對於台灣地區汞之環境排放量的改善應該由空氣與土壤面向著手。


Mercury is one of the most toxic substances for it is not only with high toxicity but also bioaccumulation; hence it is always the focal point among the global environmental protection issues. Although creating great impact on human body and environment, mercury is still widely used in various industries, products, processes, and some drugs around the world. In this study, mercury’s material flow analysis and life cycle impact assessment were conducted for analyzing and exploring the hazards of mercury and try to understand the distribution and fate of mercury in economic activities and in the environment. The results of this study could be the basis for drafting strategies and provide proper suggestions in mercury’s life cycle management regulating and controlling mercury. Results show that there is no mercury mining in Taiwan; exploitations are related to some mercury-contented raw materials and its amount is only 392 kg. Most mercury raw materials used in Taiwan depend on importation and its amount is 6,555,518 kg while the total amount for mercury exportation is 3,403,015 kg. The major pollutants of mercury in environmental circle are air, water and soil. The results also showed that the total amount of mercury emit to the air, water body and soil are 1,515 kg, 20.24 kg and 2,306 kg, respectively. There are 335 kg mercury related wastes were identified through industrial waste declaration. Only 0.047 kg of mercury was back to the industrial process and there are 92 kg for offshore treatments. Besides, the net accumulation of mercury was 3,149,031 kg. For evaluating environmental impact of mercury to the environment, results from life cycle assessment by midpoint and endpoint characterization methods showed that both methods predicted water body has less impact than air and soil. The main impact of mercury was found to be in atmosphere by using midpoint characterization method and in soil by endpoint characterization method. Therefore, it is suggested that in order to improve the mercury emission to the environment, management and measures should be focusing on air and soil.


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