  • 學位論文


A Study on the Implementation of Cross-Registration of Teaching and Learning Excellence Center- take Northern Region Center as an Example

指導教授 : 劉曉芬


本研究旨在探討大學校院教學資源中心跨校選課的實施情形,並以北區專校院教學資源中心為例,抽樣四所學校共20位人員,分別針對行政人員、授課教師、選課學生訪談。其具體目的如下:一、探討大學校院區域教學資源中心跨校選課的概況。二、探討北區技專校院教學資源中心跨校選課的實施情形。 本研究首先進行文獻探討,並擬定本研究之訪談題綱,復經3位學者專家進行修訂,以建立內容效度。再針對北區技專校院教學資源中心四所夥伴學校立意抽樣20位受訪者,作為本研究之受訪對象,並依訪談大綱進行訪談,並於逐字稿完成後,請受訪者校閱、校正,以確保資料的可靠性(內在信度)。最後進行資料分析,並獲得以下結論: 壹、跨校選課的前置規劃面向 一、行政人員對跨校選課理念具基本認知。 二、規劃技術層面 (一) 課程類別考量因素以學生意願、基礎能力及學分認定為最主要。 (二)課程實施考量因素以遠距教學平臺整合問題及學生學習特性為最主要。 (三)跨校選課的師資安排,以受學生歡迎之師資為優先。 (四)跨校選課人數的控管,主要考量教師意願、教室空間、上課品質、原校學生權益。 貳、跨校選課的實施歷程面向 一、行政支援層面 (一) 宣導方式傾向單一管道,宣導成效待加強 (二) 專業類課程無嚴格規範學生選課的先備條件 (三)選課流程、學分認定、數位學習網的配套不足 (四)開設課程尚能滿足跨校選課學生需求 二、跨校選課的教師教學層面 (一)半數受訪教師教學有針對跨校同學進行調整。 (二)學生肯定教師授課方式、授課內容。 三、跨校選課的學生學習層面 (一)學生選課動機可歸納為學分、課程、體驗不同學校的上課氣氛、師資、時間配合等因素。 (二)老師肯定跨校選課同學的學習態度與成果。 參、跨校選課的實施結果面向 一、跨校選課的實施成效 (一)行政人員對跨校成果不滿意,學生對跨校成果滿意。 (二)授課教師願意再開放跨校名額,但學生再參與的意願不定。 (三)跨校同學願意推薦同學或學弟妹參與。 二、跨校選課的實施困境 (一)行政人員認為主要困境為學生選讀意願不高。 (二)授課教師認為主要困境為無法掌握跨校學生狀況。 (三)學生認為主要困境為選課流程複雜。 依據以上結論,本研究分別對北區技專校院教學資源中心提出以下三項建議: 一、前置規劃面向 (一)宜建置跨校選課平臺。 (二)宜建立跨校性課程委員會,整合各校優勢教學資源。 (三)宜管控學生選修專業類課程資格。 二、實施歷程面向 (一)宜加強學校宣導,動態及靜態資訊多重管道實施。 (二)宜發展回饋機制。


The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the implementation of cross-registration of teaching & learning excellence center at colleges in Taiwan. The researcher conducted interview with faculty, staff, and students from four different teaching and learning excellence centers at four randomly selected universities located in Northern Taiwan. The goals of this thesis were as follows: (1) To investigate the current status quo of cross-registration of teaching & learning excellence centers. (2)To investigate the implementation of cross-registration at colleges in Northern Taiwan. The researcher conducted literature review at the start of the research and established the interview guideline from the literature. The guideline was revised upon further review of three experts to establish content validity. Subsequently, the researcher selected 20 volunteered interviewees from four northern teaching and learning excellence and conducted interview following the interview guideline. The interviewees were asked to read and revise the transcript upon the finish of the transcript to assure accuracy of the data. Finally, the researcher performed data analysis and obtained the following results: 1. Staff has the basic understanding of cross-registration. 2. Students’ inclination, ability and the accreditation of credits should be factored into the type of courses offered. 3. The implementation of courses should be based on the difficulty of integration of long distance teaching platform and characteristics of students. 4. The selection of faculty should be based on his or her popularity with students. 5. The factors affecting the control of numbers of cross-registration students are faculty’s willingness, classroom space, the quality of classroom instruction and student’s rights. 6. Advertisement of cross-registration courses should include both animated and inanimate information. 7. The courses opened should satisfy the needs of cross-registration students. 8. Faculty should adjust their teaching style to fit the need of cross-registration students. 9. Students recognized faculty’s method of instruction, classroom management skills and instruction contents. 10. Students recognized the learning environment and results of cross-registration. Students’ motivation of selection of the courses is based on the contents of the courses. 11. Faculty recognized cross-registration students’ overall performance but urges them to interact more with each other. 12. Students were satisfied with the result, staff is not satisfied with it. 13. Students were not sure if they want to take cross-registration courses. Meanwhile, faculty were willing to open vacancy for cross-registration students. 15. The major obstacle was lack of student willingness for participation according to staff. Faculty believed that it is the inability to monitor students that hamper the process while students believed that the complicated process was the major blockade for cross-registration courses. The thesis offered three suggestions for teaching and learning excellence centers according to research results: I. Preparation 1. Build a platform for cross-registration 2. Establish committee for cross-registration courses to better coordiate teaching resources. 3. Control students’ course-taking for professional courses. II. Implementation 1. Enhance advertising by employing different methods 2. Create a feedback mechanism


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