  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Thought of the “Great Learning” on the Teacher Philosophy

指導教授 : 劉曉芬


《禮記》之《大學》篇旨在闡示人欲盡其本分於天下太平的實踐法門,強調學習與實踐的根本重點在於修身,亦即時時刻刻不離地探究、動用、活出更加光明的內在本心,進而將之實踐在日常生活,日日與人親親一體乃至於家、國、天下的責任、義務中,由近及遠、由小而大地達到最佳調和狀態。 明代王陽明講授〈大學問〉,引入《孟子》:「不忍人之心」與「良知」的本心動力源,來強調《大學》的實踐義、一體義,增強《大學》思想的力量,為後人開示一條更光明可行的修行大道。 本研究經由對《大學》及〈大學問〉的探討,歸納出《大學》思想對我國教師哲學有如下啟示: 一、學校本身就是目的,就是修行之道場和生命實踐之所在,無論是教師、學生,皆為修道、成道、行道的主體,無分彼此,就在當下,共同努力經營,成為一體感的一家人,至「中國猶一人焉」。 二、教育是促使人心更加光明的一種心靈互動。 三、教師當修練自己,敞開心胸,心存冥冥,欣賞學子的天賦,關心、鼓勵、啟發、導引、帶領學子活出其內心光明的心靈能力。


王陽明 大學 明明德 親親 一體


The core of the Great Learning, one of the articles in the Book of Rites, was to expound the practical way in which people tried their utmost for world peace by playing their obligatory roles as human beings and to emphasize that the fundamental of learning and practicing lied in cultivating oneself. In other words, it was to explore, employ, and live out a natural heart which grew brighter and brighter, and further, to practice it in daily life, to live in harmony with others, and to complete it, from nearness to remoteness, from smallness to greatness, in a natural and pleasing condition by acting out one’s responsibility and obligation to family, country and the world. Wang Yang-Ming, living in Ming Dynasty, lectured Inquire into the Great Learning with the concept of “commiserating mind” and “intuitive conscience” from Mencius with a view to signifying the meaning of practice and the meaning of unity, to enhancing the ideological power of the Great Learning, and to lightening up a more luminous and more practical avenue of cultivation. This research, after the analysis of the Great Learning and Inquire into the Great Learning, summed up the inspirations the ideology of the Great Learning had on the teacher philosophy of our country as follows: 1. School itself was the purpose, the abbey in which people cultivated themselves and lived up to the meaning of life. With no differences between them, teachers and students, all being the subject that cultivated, endeavored, and practiced the moral law, worked and managed together as a family with a sense of unity to achieve the goal that “the nation was a unit”. 2. Education was a spiritual interaction which stimulated human hearts to grow brighter. 3. Teachers should train themselves, appreciate students’ talents, concern themselves with students, and encourage, inspire, guide and lead students to live out the spiritual power of the shinning heart.


蔡幸芬(2012)。Peter McLaren的批判教育學之轉向—重回馬克思主義。國立彰化師範大學教育研究所博士論文,未出版,彰化市。
