  • 學位論文


The Effect of Incorporating Demonstration and Operational Feedback Digital Content on Image Processing Software Learning

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


在目前教室內影像處理軟體的教學過程中,教師通常先以廣播方式示範,再讓學生進行個別練習,但往往因為學生人數眾多,教師無法知悉學生是否於練習時間真正練習,因此為了提升學生練習時的成效,本研究主要目的為探討示範式與操作回饋式數位教材對影像處理軟體學習成就、學習保留量的影響。藉由自製的示範式與操作回饋式數位教材,本研究採準實驗研究法,以桃園縣某高職二年級學生修習「電腦應用」課程的三個班共130名學生為研究對象,隨機分派二個班為實驗組,分別為「示範式教材組」與「操作回饋式教材組」;另一班為控制組,實施時間為五週。待實驗結束後,再分別自實驗組抽取前測成績高、中、低群組學生各三名,進行訪談,以了解學生在練習時使用數位教材的態度與意見。其研究結果如下: 一、三組學生個別在影像處理軟體學習成就方面雖皆有顯著的進步。但練習時使用操作回饋式數位教材輔助學習的學生在影像處理軟體學習成就方面更優於自行操作練習的學生。 二、示範式教材組與操作回饋式教材組二組學生在影像處理軟體學習保留量方面皆可保留住學習效果。 三、練習時使用操作回饋式數位教材輔助學習的學生在影像處理軟體學習保留量方面,優於自行操作練習的學生。 四、實驗組受訪學生對於練習時使用示範式數位教材與操作回饋式數位教材多持肯定的態度,學生對於數位教材的使用感到新奇並認為可以增進學習動機。


In the current process of teaching image processing software, teachers usually demonstrate first, and then let students practice individually. However, because the class size is usually large, teachers could not manage to track whether students did practice. Therefore, in order to improve students’ learning effectiveness during practice time, the purpose of the study is to incorporate demonstration and operational feedback digital content in image processing software and to find out their effects on students’ learning achievement and learning retention. This study is a quasi-experimental study. Three intact classes with a total of 130 11th grade students from a vocational high school in Taoyuan County participated in the study. Two classes were randomly assigned to experimental groups, which were divided into demonstration group and operational feedback group. The remainder class was assigned to the control group. The study lasted 5 weeks. In order to further explore the experimental group students’ learning attitudes and opinion while using the digital contents during practice, 18 students were interviewed at the end of the experiment. As students were identified as low, middle, and high achievers based on their pretest scores, 6 students were selected out of each achieving categories for the interviews. The conclusions of the study were summarized as following. 1. All three groups of students had significant progress in image processing software learning. The students who used operational feedback digital content while practicing had better achievement in image processing software learning than the students who practiced by themselves. 2. Students from both experimental groups, the demonstration group and the operational feedback group, showed learning retention effects in image processing software learning. 3. The students who used operational feedback digital content while practicing had better achievement in image processing software learning retention than the students who practiced by themselves. 4. The results from the interviews showed that the experimental group students were in favor of using the demonstration and operational feedback digital content during practice time. Students were interested in using the digital contents and considered them to have reinforced their learning motives.




