  • 學位論文


Sustainable Development of Post-disaster shelter Planning in Non-metropolitan areas

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


自然循環變動對人類所造成的災害是我們必須面臨的課題,尤其在人為過度開發影響之下,環境對災害侵襲的承受力降低,導致災害來襲時家園財產嚴重損毀,大量的災民急需進行收容安置。災後重建收容場所作為災民災後生活中的重要棲所,應協助災民及社區儘早回復正常之生活,但相關文獻指出,現行收容場所規劃仍止於「安置」功能,其興建缺乏社區發展及居民參與,且建造過程倉促,易忽略長久發展的考量。因此,收容場所如能導入永續規劃之概念,使重建兼顧環境復育,提升收容場所的生活品質,減低災害再臨所造成的破壞,是為相當重要的課題。 本研究以「誘導式結構理論」為操作方法,經由文獻探討國內外災後收容場所空間規劃議題,結合永續社區發展議題、永續生態環境議題及永續建築與材料等相關議題,整合歸納出28 點關於非都會地區災後重建收容場所空間永續規劃之原則,並以「莫拉克風災高雄杉林大愛園區永久屋」為對象,驗證歸納之永續規劃原則。最後推導出一、「滲透綠意的漫步場域」;二、「自給自足的生態聚落」;三、「回歸原有的地方風土」;四、「支援維繫的區域防救災站」;五、「生活生態多樣環境」;六、「輕構安居的生態綠宅」6 項推論,作為未來收容場所空間之規劃目標參考。


The nature circulation may cause damage to human beings, which is the issue we have to confront. Moreover, under the impact of overdevelopment, the disaster tolerance of our environment lowers. As the result of it, once a disaster hits, it will cause severe damage onto homes and properties and therefore emergent need for shelters to house numerous victims. Since post-disaster reconstruction shelters are main locations where disaster victims live, it is critical to help them and their communities to recover their normal life as soon as possible. However, related literatures indicate that current shelters plans narrow their function to “relocation”, with a lack of consideration for community development and the involvement of the victims. Moreover, as the reconstruction is always in such a hurry that consideration for long-term development is used to lacking. Accordingly, it is a critical issue if sustainable perspective can be introduced to the shelters to allow the reconstruction combining with environmental restoration, the living quality in the shelters will enhance and the destruction from another disaster will moderate. This study applies Heuristic Structure Theory as operation method, and analyzes and summarizes issues on spatial planning of post-disaster shelters from literature review. Besides, this study combines several related issues of sustainable community development, sustainable environment, and sustainable architecture and building materials. Accordingly, 28 principles for spatial planning for post-disaster shelters reconstruction in suburb areas are concluded. To examine these principles, the study takes “Da-Ai Permanent Shelters Area in Shanlin after Typhoon Morakot” as the subject and deduces six inferences to serve as reference for future spatial planning of shelters: (1) Green walking field penetrated by green image; (2) Self-sufficient eco-community; (3) Recovery of original local landscape; (4) Area emergency stations support disaster prevention and rescue; (5) Diversity of life styles and ecology; (6) Eco-buildings with light and safe structure for green shelters.


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