  • 學位論文


Customer Satisfaction with the Service Quality of Interior Design

指導教授 : 喬凌浩


近年來產業界的競爭,由以往著重企業內部的競爭力提升,轉變成對外以滿足顧客需求為主的取向,顧客關係管理的研究因此愈來愈受到業界的關注。室內設計服務的特性與有形產品是有差異的,尤其是對品質的認定,無形的設計服務比有形產品複雜,且難以認定。對室內設計經營者而言,服務品質管理實屬不易。 本研究探討特定室內設計公司的服務品質反應顧客滿意度,研究採取量化及質化並用的方法。在量化研究部分,先對前測個案的顧客作前測問卷及結構式訪談,根據訪談分析結果修改問卷部分語句。再對正式個案之顧客發放服務品質、整體表現及抱怨處理問卷,分析問卷資料。在質化研究部分,與設計公司負責人與設計師進行結構式訪談,檢討問卷準確度。結果發現: 1.室內設計公司與顧客對於服務品質、整體表現及抱怨處理的認知有顯著差異。 2.室內設計男性顧客與女性顧客對於服務品質、整體表現及抱怨處的認知有顯著差異。


In recent years, industrial circles have shifted the focus from enhancing corporate competitiveness to meeting customers’ needs. Hence, study on customer relations management has become increasingly important. The characteristics of interior design service are different from tangible products. Recognizing quality in design service, which is intangible, is more complicated than that for tangible products. For interior design managers, service quality management is difficult. This research probed into the customer satisfaction towards the service quality of a certain interior design company, and adopted both quantitative and qualitative research methods. For the quantitative study, this research first conducted pretest questionnaires and structural interviews on the pretest customers, and then revised various sentences in the questionnaire according to the analytical result. Questionnaires on service quality, overall performance and complaint management were then distributed to the customers and the returned data were analyzed. Regarding the qualitative study, structural interviews were conducted on the person in charge and the designers in the design company. The preciseness of the questionnaire was examined. The findings are shown below: 1.The interior design company and its customers revealed significant differences on the perception of service quality, the overall performance and complaint management. 2.Male and female interior design customers revealed significant differences on the perception of service quality, the overall performance and complaint management.


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