  • 學位論文


Gender Differences in Types of Injuries at Different Age Levels

指導教授 : 白璐


背景:「傷害」是世界各國政府所重視的公共衛生議題,大多數 事故傷害的流行病學研究,皆以整體的性別差異或年齡差異 來說明。根據衛生署統計臺灣地區事故傷害發現,各類事故 傷害死亡率皆為男性大於女性,但非死亡的傷害又可能呈現 不同的結果。 目的:本研究針對非死亡的傷害探討各類傷害在不同年齡群組 的性別差異,以期能夠提供更具體的資訊,作為未來擬定傷 害防制介入計畫之參考。 方法:資料採台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會「事故傷害監測系 統」中,內湖區自94年1月起至97年12月止之資料, 共16013 筆。以SPSS14.0統計套裝軟體進行事故傷害資料檔之分析。 結果:整體而言「15-24歲」及「65歲以上」之年齡層有較高傷害 率,男女傷害性別比為1.43:1。性別差異會因傷害類別與年 齡層不同而有差別,就蓄意性傷害而言,女性多於男性且多 為自傷或家暴,男性則多為他傷、他殺。就非蓄意性傷害而 言: 一、多數類別男性多於女性,其中差別最大的是「撞壓夾砸 事故」,男性為女性2.22倍。 二、「動植物傷害」及「中毒」兩類傷害,女性較多。 三、在交通事故傷害中女性為「乘客」之比率顯著高於男 性。男性駕駛受傷年齡以15-24歲居多,女性以25-44歲 居多。 四、跌墜傷害在45歲以上均以女性為多,65歲以上女性將近 為男性2倍。 五、人的非蓄意傷害男性為女性2.32倍。 六、動物傷害以女性較多,且多發生於居家場域。 七、「化學製劑」中毒男性為女性3倍,「藥物中毒」則女性 高出男性近2倍。 結論:不同性別傷害率是不一樣,須將性別、年齡、場域等不同變 項一併納入考量。防制策略的制定應根據較詳細的分析資 料,未來在傷害防制工作上的施行推展上將更能彰顯成 效。


性別差異 事故傷害


Background:Injury is a worldwide serious public problem. Most epidemiologic studies discuss injury with gender differences or age differences as a whole. According to the vital statistics of department of Health, injury mortality rate is higher among males than that among females. The gender difference of non-fatal injuries may not be the same. Besides, the gender difference may also vary according to different age groups. Study purpose:The purpose of this study is to analyze gender differences for all types of injuries in different age groups. The results of this study can be reference materials for injury prevention intervention programs in the future. Methods:Injury data of Neihu District of Taipei City were drawn out from injury surveillance system of Taiwanese Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Association. A total of 16013 cases registered during the period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2008. Descriptive statistics were performed by using SPSS 14.0. Results:In general, age groups of 15-24 years and over 65 years have higher injury rate; and over all gender ratio of male to female is 1.43:1. The gender difference is affected by age levels and types of injuries. For intentional injuries, females are the main victims of domestic violence ,whereas males are usually injured from homicide and infliction by other persons. As to unintentional injuries, more males than females were seen for most of types of injuries except for injuries from animals and plants and poisoning. In traffic accident, driver victims are mostly males and passenger victims are mostly females. At age 45 or above, more females suffered from falls than males. Man tend to be involved in human caused unintentional injuries more than women by 2.32 times. Animal injuries occurred frequently to females at home. Chemical intoxication occurred more frequently among male than among females by three times, while female have twice more victims of drug intoxication. Conclusion:Gender difference varies according to types of injuries and age levels. We must put gender, age, and situation into consideration when planning an injury prevention program. Preventive tactic should be evaluated with more profound data analysis to show its effectiveness.


Gender Difference Injuries


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