  • 學位論文

電子化對作業模式影響之探討 - 以智邦科技為例

The Impact on Operation Model to eBusiness – The Accton Technology

指導教授 : 林耀欽


應用系統建置為企業電子化建置過程中的發展重點。 最大改變在於將獨立資訊系統連接在一起, 以提升整體效率、相互協調及支援程度,創造新的企業價值。透過整合型應用系統整合資訊系統與企業程序, 企業面臨到程序與作業模式的重新設計、組織間協調合作的轉變等問題。 對企業而言,電子化建置即對於本身既有作業模式有著審視、重新設計的機會。 本研究以國內資訊電子業廠商為研究對象, 探討我國資訊電子業對導入電子化後呈現作業模式類型。 透過個案研究方式,瞭解個案公司的成功建置電子化經驗及歷程, 以瞭解在實務界方面,電子化與作業模式改變情形。研究目標為探討資訊電子業電子化建置中與作業模式關聯程度對於電子化實行成效的影響。 透過個案訪談與文獻探討後發現, 個案公司在電子化前後的代工設計、製造作業模式並沒有改變, 差異點在於將資訊透過網路傳遞,有助於製造與設計工作的進行;供應商管理方面,既有方式為與供應商採取個別連線, 電子化後透過平台的管理, 有效串聯上游供應商。之後本研究依據受訪廠商電子化過程進行分析推論,發現專案小組扮演著重要的角色, 在研擬階段做好企業程序與作業模式的重新規劃, 並與資訊部門有著密切規劃與協調,將使建置過程更為順利,也符合所設立之目標;若企業選擇自行建置應用系統, 規劃研擬過程就更加重要;在規劃與系統建構階段, 企業程序與作業模式重新設計程度高,則成效較高,反之,成效較低。


The key development of e-Business is establishing an integrated application system for the enterprise. The important issue of integrated application systems is to work with information systems. It also promotes better efficiency, coordination and support between departments, and creates the new business values. Since e-Business integrates information systems and business procedures with e-Business application system, the revolutionary impact both inside and outside of organization. As a result, the operation model re-design is very important and it makes a corporate re-exam itself. This research conducts field interviews on high-technology industry in Taiwan. Through case studies on developing e-Business, we can understand that how they apply operation model re-design in the industry and the following points are concluded to be the references afterward. In the progress of constructing e-Business, it is necessary to apply Operation Model Re-design. The goal of this research is to investigate the relationship between e-Business effect and operation model after carrying out e-Business. In this case, there are nothing change of the operation model in OEM and ODM after adopt Information technology. But, network technology enhance the information interaction and also facilitate the operation of OEM and ODM. In supplier management, enterprise connect with suppliers individually before adopting network technology. It can make suppliers gathered with effectively managed transaction platform. Through process planning team, enterprises that re-design business process and operation model better during both planning and system-developing phases get greater performance after carrying out e-Business. It is important to analysis business process and operation model in the planning phase if a corporate chooses developing by itself. Since the e-Business development. The higher is the re-design with business process and operation model, the greater e-Business performance will be.


16.張永承,「零售業電子化程度評估及發展 – 以個人及家庭用品為例」,元智大學資訊管理系,碩士論文,2004。


