  • 學位論文


Exploration of Issues Pertinent to Operations

指導教授 : 郭文忠 徐學忍


本論文主要在研究我國鄉鎮市民代表會對地方自治的正負功能,並有系統的探討其制度、組織、職權、立法程序及運作衍生的各種問題,並提出建議因應方案,以提高民主政治品質,讓已經深化民眾生活的鄉鎮市民代表會發揮其應有之政治功能。 鄉鎮市自治係世界先進民主國家採行的政治制度,也是國家民主化的象徵,我國地方自治法制化後,鄉鎮市取得法律地位,但鄉鎮市民代表會面臨府會惡鬥、派系、黑金、賄選等各種弊端,嚴重影響正常民主運作,本文針對鄉鎮市民代表會之制度及運作產生之各項問題加以剖析,並對此現象提出探討與建議。 在世界各國努力積極提升國家競爭力的階段,我國朝野本應極思政治如何改進以提高行政效能之時,卻逢政黨輪替致政治環境丕變,民進黨政府積極進行政府再造,研擬修改地方制度法,將政府層級縮減為二級,並取消鄉鎮市級自治,以徹底解決鄉鎮市自治之各種惡質化的亂象,此政策使問題由原來的如何因應調整以減少弊端,轉化為「存廢」之高度政治性議題,本文亦針對此組織變革作分析探討,以供政策制定之參考。


This Paper treats the positive and negative sides of township/city councils as a part of Taiwan’s local municipal systems. It systematically explores various issues pertinent to the system, organization, responsibility/authority, legislative procedure and operation of township/city councils and present corresponding proposals for the purpose of enhancing the quality of democratic government and realizing the political functions of township/city councils, which have been deeply rooted in the lives of the general public. Municipal township/city government is a system widely adopted by advanced democratic countries around the world. It serves as a good indication of a nation’s democracy. Since Taiwan enacted its municipal government law, the legal position of cities and townships has been established. But, conflicts between the administrative branch and the legislative branch, struggles among different political interests, under-table money and election briberies have severely marred democratic operation, This paper delves into issues arising from the system and operation of township/city councils and proposes recommendations for these phenomena. As nations all over the world race to intensify their national competitiveness, we ought to give serious thought to how we can strengthen our administrative efficiency. Power change-hand, however. Has resulted in dramatic changes in our political system. The progressive Democratic Party has initiated an aggressive government reform that involves modification of the local administrative system and reduction of the government hierarchy to 2 levels. In an attempt to wipe out all the worsening problems of township/city municipalities it cancels township-/city-level municipal government. That policy turns the issue from one of adjustment to one of existence. It becomes a highly sensitive political issue. This paper addresses this organizational transformation and presents its analysis for policy-making reference.


