  • 學位論文


A research about how Leisure farming business can developed into home resort tactics─ the discussed city will be Taoyuan.

指導教授 : 李伯謙 博士


摘 要 近年來,在桃園縣政府積極輔導下,桃園縣內以休閒農業(Leisure Farming)為主軸的觀光產業逐漸有蓬勃發展的趨勢,然而,必須「靠天吃飯」休閒農業經營者也深刻體認到,光以現有的休閒農場經營規模,並不足以達到讓休閒農場永續經營的目標,因此,本研究嘗試從休閒農業轉型民宿經營的方向探討,希望提供給休閒農業經營者及政府相關單位對於休閒農業轉型的方向與建議。 本研究藉由分析我國現行相關法規、現地調查及專家訪談等方式,以了解桃園縣休閒農業經營現狀,及經營者是否有轉型經營民宿的意願。 最近兩年來,國內民宿發展速度相當驚人,且由於民宿具備了結合豐富的自然、人文資源,以及價位適中的住宿設施、地方特色及業者的親切服務,儼然已成為我國加入WTO後,農、林、漁、牧業者轉型的新興觀光休閒產業,因此若能輔導休閒農業經營者順利轉型,並發展出擁有地方特色的民宿經營產業,將可望為業者增加更豐厚的觀光收益。 研究結果發現,休閒農業經營者雖然對於投資民宿興趣很高,但侷限於相關法令對於民宿設置的諸多規定與限制,導致業者卻步不前,不敢作過度的投資,因此,本研究對政府相關單位及休閒農業經營者提出下列建議: 一、對政府有關單位的建議 (一)中央政府可考量授權給地方政府,依權訂定符合地方特性之自治規定 (二)做好總量管制,避免業者盲目搶進 (三)全年辦理定期的大型推廣促銷活動 (四)推動「服務認證」制度,以加強業者公信力及競爭力 二、對經營者的建議 (一)採取策略聯盟方式 (二)透過專業的管道來傳達訊息 (三)加強園區人力資源培育 (四)運用體驗行銷策略以增強遊客對園區的體驗


休閒農業 民宿 體驗行銷


ABSTRACT Recently under Taoyaun government support and guidance, leisure farming business had become one of the leading activities in tour attractions. Just like all things in life, there’s also the downside of leisure farming. The farm owners quickly discover that the weather condition affects this business. Due to the poor weather condition, it is very hard to earn enough profit on a daily basis. A suggestion for leisure farming will be combining with home resort. We hope the discussion can be provided for all the correct directions for leisure farming owners and concerning government agency regarding this new suggestion. Firstly we should check our current laws and regulation to see if this suggestion is ideal. Then study local environment and having interview with farm owners to find out their current operation conditions. During the interview we can find out if they are willing to change into a home resort type of leisure farming. In the past two years, home resort type of business had grown tremendously. The following reasons contribute home resort’s growth; full of natural resources, culture support, value in price, friendly environment and friendly services. After joining WTO, agricultures had played a big part in tourist attractions. If leisure farms transfer into a home resort successfully it will be a very attractive idea for all traditional farming resorts. Hopefully this can create and bring more profit for the leisure farming business. According to our studying, leisure farmers have great interest in investing into a home resort, but due to strict regulation and laws limited this thinking was terminated. They are willing to invest into a home resort, if concerning government agency can listen to the following suggestions: 1.Suggestions for concern government agencies. (1)Central government should consider giving the right to local government, and let them make the suitable local law according to their city needs. (2)Make proper control, to avoid mass invasion into this field. (3)Mass media campaign to promote this new type of resorts all year long. This will includes promotions and special activities. (4)To promote quality service approval system, increase resort owners be trust and competitiveness. 2. Suggestions for leisure farm owners (1)Use alliance method. (2)Use professional media to promote this campaign. (3)Increase human resources training. (4)Use self-experience sales tactics selling method to lure tourist.


