  • 學位論文


To enable Government Reform by e-Government strategy:A case study of Taipei e-service Online.

指導教授 : 周韻采


組織的存在係為了反映民眾需求。面對新環境的挑戰、新需求之出現,組織為維持其存在之正當性或更大生存空間,可能面臨倒閉或必須轉型之課題。世界各國在二次世界大戰後,為推動戰後重建,不斷擴張政府部門與層級,致使組織日趨龐大和員額量迅速倍增對國家財政和競爭力形成阻礙,因而在1980年代興起政府再造的風潮。各國政府面對龐大預算赤字,開始採取各種降低成本、提昇效率之措施。各界亦嘗試將企業組織的成功改革經驗導入政府機構,例如將資訊科技導入政府部門作,希望利用其特點將複雜的作法,透過資訊科技的單一步驟連結,進而大幅減少不必要的資料收集時間和行政人力的成本支出。 本研究以個案研究法、文獻分析法、深度訪談法等進行之,研究對象以台北市民e點通網站為例,論述其營運現況與發展瓶頸,再論此申辦網站對公部門業務流程、行政成本和組織變革之影響。三大分析架構包含(1)業務流程:負責線上申辦業務的承辦局處工作流程等。(2)行政成本:網站建置成本、員工教育訓練成本、網站執行成本效益等。(3)組織變革:資通科技對於組織人力的縮減,對於公部門服務模式的變革等。 研究發現,目前參與台北市政府線上申辦業務的機關,其內部業務流程仍沿用既有程序,缺乏溝通和無具體通則;而網站登入機制的設計不良,造成後端的相關作業無法電子化,進而使行政效率無法提昇。在行政成本面,將系統建置、員工教育訓練、系統維護與擴充都納入計算後,可發現線上申辦網站的效益面是可以期待的,但仍需提出更多誘因鼓勵員工主動參與,同時也需提出殺手級應用項目,小範圍培養民眾使用信心。從組織變革的分析面而言,傳統定點的臨櫃服務模式會逐漸改變,公私部門合作機會將持續增加,公部門的資訊教育訓練應不斷進行與落實,另外,政府也需投入更多心力關切隱私和弱勢族群的保障。


As the fast changing of external environment, the traditional operating way of government can no longer solve the problems effectively which the public really concern. With the improvement of information technology recently, Information& Communication Technology (ICT) grows rapidly; many organizations and countries are paying a lot of attention on this trend. Our government also keeps up with this trend by performing the E-Government project. In this thesis, we propose three dimensions: Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Cost, and Organizational Change. By using case study to evaluate the impact of these dimensions. We take the Taipei City Government (TCG) as the research object and interview with TCG’s employee, also with some scholars of this field. The main findings of this essay are as follows: 1. The study finding and the theory of business process reengineering are well matched. Because of the basic level does not simplify the process, it will increase the cost and waste employee’s energy. 2. According to the research, e-services online not necessarily reduce the government cost. Government need to bring up more killer application to fascinate more users. 3. One of the results can be sure. That the traditional service model will change. There will be more examples about the collaboration between public and private.


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