  • 學位論文


The Research of the Behaviors of the Net Users and the Human Relationships- Base on the Senior Students of Taoyuan City Elementary School

指導教授 : 王 佳 煌


中文摘要 本研究之目的主要是描述學童網路使用背景及使用行為概況,了解不同背景變項之學童網路使用行為的異同,探索學童網路使用行為對人際關係的影響。本研究先以問卷調查篩選經常使用網路的學生,再經由個別訪談,再追問受訪者所提的相關主題與線索,期望以訪談輔助問卷調查,瞭解國小學童的網路行為所造成的相關影響。 本研究針對桃園市高年級學童進行問卷調查和訪談,經統計分析與訪談後,主要發現包括國小學童普遍具使用網際網路的能力;學生平均接觸網路年資為兩年至三年;國小學童最常使用的使用網路活動是玩線上遊戲;國小學童上網地點以家裡上網最多;每週使用網路的時間與網路使用年資呈現顯著相關;每週上網時間與網路使用年資均與年級呈現顯著相關;上網時間的多寡影響到學生對網路的依賴感,以及他們對人際關係的看法;高度使用網路之學生對學習時間分配及管理能力變差,影響到學習意願。 最後就本研究之發現,對學校、教師以及學生家長,提出具體建言與方向,以及對未來相關研究之建議。


Abstract The purpose of this present study is to investigate the situation and background of school-kids using the internet; try to understand the difference of using the Internet between school-kids with different family background; find out the effects of using Internet on school-kids’ interpersonal relationship. The present study begins with choosing the school-kids who use internet frequently by questionnaire, and then, by doing interview, it’s hoped to examine the related influence of school-kids using the Internet. The subjects of this present study were fifth-grade and sixth-grade students at one primary school in Taoyuan County. After the questionnaire and interview, it’s found that generally, all school-kids at primary school are able to use the Internet; most of them have used Internet for two to three years; the most common thing those school-kids do on the Internet is playing the on line games; the place they go on the internet is at their home; there’s a significant correlation between the time they spend on internet per week, the years they’ve used the internet and their grade; the more or less time they spend on internet influence the reliability they have towards internet and also, their perspectives of interpersonal relationship; the students who over-use internet generally have lower ability to do time management, and lower learning motivation. Lastly, based on the findings of this study, some constructive suggestions towards schools, teachers, parents, and future studies were brought up.
