  • 學位論文


The mother’s duty that crosses time and space- The relation between generations in a double pay cross-generation family

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


本研究主要目的在探討雙薪隔代教養家庭之相關研究,及代間關係的面貌。本研究採質化研究,以六歲以下的雙薪隔代教養家庭為樣本,訪談母女與婆媳各五組,共二十位祖輩與親代。 研究結果:一、親代多以「利己」的立場而將孩子交由祖輩來照顧,而祖輩則多以「利他主義模式」為出發點而予以協助。二、從社會交換理論分析,親代與祖輩在酬賞與成本的評估後產生了結果,而雙方能繼續維持此關係,多是以各取所需來達到公平的交換。三、祖輩與親代在親情爭奪的角色衝突方面表現差異大,而雙方的角色職責劃分則頗為一致。四、隨著祖輩與親代的實質互動機會的增加,親代呈現出主動的和諧關係、被動的和諧關係及矛盾的代間關係三種面貌;祖輩則呈現關係未變、關係好轉及矛盾的代間關係三種面貌。 最後整合本研究結果,針對雙薪隔代教養家庭之祖輩、親代、實務工作人員,以及未來相關研究提出具體建議。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the origin of cross-generation breeding of double pay family, the positive and negative effect and influence of cross-generation breeding, the role of grandparent and parent and the face of the relations between generations. Qualitative study is taken for this research and a double pay cross-generation breeding family formed by child below the age of 6 and grandparent is used as the sample, five groups of mother and daughter and five groups of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law respectively are taken for interview in semi-structure way, that is, there are a total of 20 groups of grandparents and parents. The research results are: 1. Parent usually uses “egoism” point of view to send the children to be taken care by their grandparents; and the grandparent usually provides the assistance based on “altruism model”. 2. From an analysis based on social exchange theory, a result is generated between parent and grandparent due to an evaluation based on pay and cost; therefore, both sides obtain what they want and a fair exchange is thus achieved, finally, the relation can be continuously maintained. 3. Grandparent and parent have very different expression on the role conflict of competition of parenthood, however, the role and responsibility division between both sides is very clear. 4. As the interactions between grandparent and parent become more frequent, parent shows three facets of relation between generations, that is, active and harmonious relation, passive and harmonious relation and contradictory relation; however, the grandparent shows three facets of relation between generations, that is, unchanged relation, better relation and contradictory relation. Finally, the research result of this study will be integrated, solid suggestions will be provided to the grandparent, parent, practical work personnel and future related researches for the double pay cross-generation breeding family.


許詩淇,2004,《婆媳關係之和諧類型與衝突轉化─以本土化動態模式為視角 》。國立臺灣師範大學社會教育研究所碩士論文。


